Mommy Daughter Day

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I haven't gone out and done anything since before Gracie was born, mom suggested I go out today. Of course my friends are busy and Gracie is cranky and only wants me. Madison spent the night and is offering to watch Gracie but she's so cranky.

"I can handle her just go" maddie keeps telling me

"Amanda come on we're going out" Demi says as she grabs her keys

"But-" I say but get cut off

"But nothing, Madison has Gracie" Demi says

"Alright fine" I say

I get my shoes on and follow Demi out to the car. She drives off, but refuses to tell me where she's taking us.

"Why can't you tell me?" I ask for the 20th time

"It's a surprise" Demi says once again

I groan and slump back in my seat, Demi pulls over and stops the car.

"Stop your attitude right now or I will turn this car around, got it" Demi says firmly

"Yeah" I mumble

"Good" she says and starts driving again

I stay quiet for the rest of the ride, eventually falling asleep. Demi wakes me up once we've stopped.

"Disney!" I exclaim

Demi laughs and pulls me inside. She pays for our wristbands then drags me to a ride.

"Mom chill" I laugh

"Aww come on have some fun" she laughs

I shake my head and get on the ride with her. Once we're on and hooked up the ride starts. Demi swings her legs and says wee. I don't know whether to laugh or be embarrassed. After an hour and a half of roller coasters Demi's ready for a snack. We each grab a funnel cake and sit down.

"thank you for this" I say "I'm having a lot of fun"

"I'm glad kiddo" Demi smiles

"I wonder how Gracie is" I think aloud

"She's fine, if anything were wrong Maddie would call" Demi reminds me

"I guess you're right" I say

As we finish up a couple fans come up to us. Demi takes pictures with them then I notice another little girl at a distance watching with tears in her eyes. I walk over to her and bend down to her level.

"Hi sweety, what's wrong?" I ask

"You're so lucky to have a mom like Demi" she whispers

"What do you mean?" I ask

"My mom is the opposite of Demi" she says quietly

"Are you here with her?" I ask

"I'm supposed to be but I ran away" she tells me

"Is everything okay?" Demi asks as she walks over to us

I explain what the little girl just told me and Demi pulls her into a hug.

"What's your name?" Demi asks

"Emmi" she says

"Well Emmi as much as I'd love to take you home I can't do that but what I want you to do is stay strong first of all no matter what and as soon as you go back to school tell an adult" Demi tells Emmi

"I will thank you Demi and thank you Amanda" Emmi says

"you're welcome" Demi and I say

Emmi runs off and Demi and I head home. After seeing that incident I need to see my baby. Demi said we'll continue our mother daughter day soon.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long and that this chapter is crapy.

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