First Night

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As soon as Demi pulled in the driveway Gracie started crying. I quickly but carefully get out of the car and go around to the side Gracie's on. I unhook the carseat and bring it inside. As soon as I take Gracie out of the carseat she stops crying. I'm holding Gracie while just looking at her, admiring how beautiful she is when I get a call.

Me- Hello?

Shawn- Hey it's shawn

Me- Hey come on over

Shawn- Okay be there in 10

Im laying Gracie down in the little bassinet in the living room while I run to the bathroom. Of course as soon as I leave the bathroom she needs food. I pick her up and sit down in our rocking chair. I help her latch on and rock her while she eats.

"I'm here" shawn says as he walks in the door

"Hey don't mind me" I say

"What the-" he says

"Oh I had the baby" I say

"Thanks for telling me" shawn says with attitude

"Jesus shawn we just got home and I'm sorry I didn't want you at the hospital I was terrified and wanted Demi with me" I say

"Whatever" shawn says

"Quit it with the attitude or leave" I snap

"Whoa what is going on in here" Demi says

"He's pissed because I didn't tell him I had gracie" I say

"She also didn't let me help choose the name" shawn adds

"I texted you asking if the name was okay your ass didn't reply" I yell

"Whoa stop it right now, both of you" Demi yells "shawn I understand you're upset but she wanted it to only be me and she's right, you didn't put forth any input on the name and Amanda do not yell you'll scare Gracie and she'll start crying"

"It's still not fair" shawn says

"What name would you have wanted her to have?" Demi asks shawn

"Elizabeth Noel Mendes, Eliza for short" shawn says

"I wouldn't have agreed to that anyway" I say

"Of course not" shawn groans

"Look there's nothing you can do about it so man up" Demi says

Shawn stuck his middle finger up at us as he left, slamming the door behind him.

"Well fuck him" I say

Demi grabs my arm and lands three hard smacks to my butt. I yelp and grab my butt.

"What was that for?" I ask

"Your language" Demi tells me

"Sorry" I mumble

I bring Gracie upstairs and lay her in the crib in my room then get ready for bed. Before I get in bed I peek over at Gracie, she's sound asleep. I turn off the light and get in bed myself.

An hour later I'm woken up to Gracie crying. I get up and go pick her up. It takes me 20 minutes to feed her then I lay her back down. I also go back to sleep. It was like that all night, she was up every hour.

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