Album Party

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My album was officially released this morning! I decided to release it under Demi's new label, Safehouse Records. We're having a release party today to celebrate this album along with my others. Hopefully this album will actually be a success, I've been a little worried. My whole team is coming, family, and tons of friends. Demi actually has a catering service coming because there's so many people coming. For most of the party we'll just be hanging out but a few people are going to perform and anyone who really wants to can. Everything is ready so we're really just waiting on the guests.

"Amanda" Demi calls

"Yeah?" I say as I come downstairs

"Devan, the twins, and Collins are here" she says

"hey guys" I say "Ryan and Raelynn Tristan's in the playroom if you want to go in there"

They run off, as expected. Bea, Riley, and Aidan show up next. They go somewhere with Maddie. Slowly everyone shows up and we actually get the party started. I grab a microphone and get everyone's attention.

"Thank you so much for coming it means a lot, I want everyone to have fun and let's get this party started" I say

I have some speakers set up and Demi goes to get ready. She's going to perform first. Collins is already showing people magic tricks, All of the kids are in the playroom, everyone else is in one central location for the most part. I've got Gracie with me but I put baby earplugs in her ears to block out the sound some. After Demi gets off the stage I go on and perform the songs from my album, which are melodies, turn up the music, how to love? The trouble with love is, is anybody out there, according to you, bang a drum, make some noise, battlefield, broken, I Still Hear Your Voice, and Nobody's Perfect. Everyone seemed to like Raise your voice the most. After a while I lose track of who performs. It's been about 2 hours since the party started and the kids have crashed. They're all asleep on the playmat. I snap a picture for Instagram then Carrie them all upstairs.

Slowly everyone starts to head out, leaving Bea, Drew, Riley, and Maddie upstairs and Devan with me. They're all staying the night. I feel bad for leaving everyone but I'm tired so I head to bed. I think Devan went up to hang out with Mad but I'm not entirely sure.

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