Tristans Birthday

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Two years ago today Tristan was born. These past two years have gone by so fast, A lot has happened too. That little boy has delt with a lot of craziness. Since marissa and I made up we're having a joint party. There are going to be so many people here I'm not sure if our downstairs is big enough. We have my mom, Eddie, Dallas, Maddie, Amanda, Bailey, me, marissa, bea, fifth harmony, Natalie, max, and Cher. Tristan is one lucky kid. Right now he's asleep so we're doing some last minute things while we wait for him to wake up and guests to arrive.

"Demi everything's ready and bea said she'll be here in 15 minutes" Maddie says

"Okay cool" I say

"Mom do you want me to wake Tristan up and get him dressed?" Amanda calls

"Please" I yell to her

"Kay" she yells

A few minutes later Amanda comes down with Tristan. She's got him in blue jeans and a shirt I got him from urban outfitters. He looks adorable!

"Guess who's here!" Bea says as she walks in the door

"Hey kid" I say

"Hey" Maddie and Amanda say

"Am I the first one here?" Bea asks

"Yep" Maddie says

"Good" Bea says "come here Tristan"

Tristan walks over to her and she picks him up.

"How's my favorite birthday boy?" She asks him

"Good" he says

"Awh good" bea says

She kisses him on the forehead then sits him down. Not long after Dallas and Bailey show up. We say our hellos then bailey, Amanda, Maddie, and bea run off somewhere. Everyone else shows up within 20 minutes and the girls come back.

"Momma cake" Tristan says

"Okay" I laugh

I have everyone gather around in the kitchen and put the cake in front of Tristan. We sing happy birthday and he blows out the candles.

"Mama it's handy manny!" Tristan says excitedly

"It sure is" I laugh

I cut a piece for Tristan then everyone else gets theirs. Tristan makes a huge mess with his, it's pretty funny. A lot of pictures are taken of him.

"Mom can I talk to you a minute?" Amanda quietly asks

"Yeah of course" I say

Amanda and I go upstairs and she bursts into tears.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask

"I purged, I tried so hard not to but the voices were too strong" she says in between sobs

"Don't beat yourself up over it baby it's okay slip ups happen just come to me next time okay" I say

"Okay" she says

I pull her into a hug and hold her until she calms down. Once she's calmed down Gracie starts crying.

"You go ahead and check on Gracie I'm going to go find your brother" I say

"Okay" Amanda says

We get up and I go back downstairs. I can't help but laugh at the sight. Tristan's laughing at Camila who's trying to do a hand stand but failing miserably. I take a video and make a mental note to post it.

"Tristan are you ready for presents?" I ask

"Yes mommy!" He says

"Come here then" I say

Tristan runs over to me then I take him over to the presents. Everyone finds a seat then Amanda comes down with Gracie. She sits with me and Tristan to help. Soon enough out living room floor is covered in toys and wrapping paper. He got a tricycle, helmet and knee pads, trampoline, books, trucks, puzzles, a slide, handy manny tools, coloring books, blocks, Legos, movies, and a tablet thing that has games to help him learn to read.

"Mama play?" He asks

"Soon but first we have to clean up" I tell him

He pouts and I bust out laughing. He is definitely my child. Amanda and I quickly clean up all the wrapping paper so he can play.

"Which toy do you want first?" I ask him

"Handy manny" he says

I open up his tools and give them to him. I'll be honest it's kind of awkward knowing his favorite tv character is voiced by my ex. Everyone leaves except for ally, camila, lauren, Dinah, normani, bea, and bailey. They all went upstairs with Maddie and Amanda. They'll probably end up spending the night but I don't care. As for me I'm laying Tristan down for a nap then taking a nap myself.

I'm so sorry for not updating in ages guys. I have had no motivation to write what so ever.

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