Maddies Punishment

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Marissa left with Tristan to pick Demi up from the airport but I decided to stay home to get some more sleep. I have no idea what Maddie's doing, she's probably still sleeping. All of a sudden I hear a crash downstairs so I run down to see what's going on.

"Maddie?" I say

"I uh it wasn't me" Maddie says

"First of all where did you get alcohol from, and secondly why do you have it?" I ask

"I uh found it yeah I found it" maddie starts to say

"Tell me the truth" I but in

"Drew gave it to me because I wanted to try it" Maddie sighs

"How much did you drink?" I ask

"Like a quarter of the bottle" Maddie says

"You must have a strong stomach then" I say

"Are you going to tell Demi and mar?" Maddie asks

"I haven't decided yet but for now go to your room while I clean this up" I tell Maddie sternly

Maddie hangs her head and goes upstairs. I grab a broom and sweep up the broken glass then mop up the floor.

I don't really want to tell Demi, but Maddie needs to be punished. Should I punish her? I may as well.

I walk upstairs and go to Maddie's room.

"Mad can I come in?" I ask

"Yeah" Maddie says

I grab Maddie's brush and sit on her bed.

"Come on over my lap mad" I say

"No Amanda please" Maddie begs

"Now Maddie" I say firmly

"But" Maddie says

I pull Maddie across my lap and tank her pants down. She tries squirming away but I just grip her tighter.

Please don't" Maddie begs

"You're getting 20 with the brush" I tell her

Smack smack smack smack smack Amanda no stop I'm sorry! smack smack smack please I'm sorry! smack smack last 10 mad smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack

I drop the brush and pull Maddie into a hug.

"I-I'm s-sorry" Maddie says

"It's okay Maddie you're forgiven" I tell her

I cuddle Maddie for a bit but then she falls asleep. I carefully lay her down and go downstairs. Tristan crawls into the kitchen so I scoop him up.

"Hi baby boy I missed you" I smile

"Mana!" He cheers


"What!?" Marissa and Demi both say as they run in the room

"Say it again bubba" I say

"Mana!" Tristan says

"He said my name well kind of" I say

"My little baby is growing up" Demi exclaims

"Hey guys lunch is ready" marissa says

I sit Tristan in his high chair and sit down.

"amanda can I talk to you a sec" Maddie asks

"yeah of course" I say

I take Maddie in the living room.

"what's up mad?" I ask

"Can I sit on a pillow?" Maddie asks

"Well mom and marissa may ask why" I say

"But they'll notice something's wrong when I go sit down" Maddie says

"Come with me a sec" I say

Maddie and I go upstairs, I grab a pair of sweats and throw them at Maddie.

"these work wonders after I'm punished and have to sit at the table" I tell Maddie

Maddie puts the sweats on and we go back downstairs. Marissa made macaroni and cheese for lunch. We go ahead and eat then go back upstairs.

"Amanda I need to talk to you a second" mom says

I follow mom into her room and sit on her bed.

"What's up?" I ask

"Maddie, is she okay?" Mom asks

"Yeah she's fine" I say

"She didn't look fine when she sat down" mom states

"How could you tell?" I ask

"I see your face after I punish you when you sit down" mom states "so did Maddie get punished?" Mom asks

"Please don't let Maddie know I told you" I say

"Why did you punish her?" Mom asks

"She had a bottle of alcohol and we both knew it would've been worse if you found out so I punished her even though she didn't want me to" I explain

"What'd you give her?" Mom asks

"20 with a brush" I say

"Alright I'll let you get away with it this time" mom says

I leave moms room and go hang out with Maddie.

"Can I have cream?" Maddie asks

"Maybe tomorrow" I tell her

"Okay" she says

Maddie and I out on reruns of rugrats until we fall asleep.

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