Angela Visits

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"Amanda come here" Demi calls

"Yeah?" I say as I come downstairs

"Angela keeps calling" Demi tells me

"I'll call her back in a minute" I say

I run back upstairs and pick Gracie up. I sit in the rocking chair and rock her while I call Angela.

Angela: hello

Me: hey, you keep calling?

Angela: I miss you girls

Me: we'd still be in your lives if you had stood up to George

Angela: I couldn't I was scared

Me: whatever anyway bailey doesn't wanted to talk to you and I have my own life

Angela: you're really shutting me out like this?

Me: yes, I was fine without you before and I'll be fine without you now

Angela: what if I told you I'm working on divorcing your dad

Me: first of all he's not my dad, I don't have a dad and second i wouldn't believe you

Angela: can't we visit sometimes like getting a coffee together or something?

Me: oh so now you're begging? No you know what I need to go take care of my daughter

Angela: daughter?

Me: yes, I have a baby

Angela: I can't even be in my granddaughters life?

Me: you know what come over for dinner today but after that I don't want you in my life

I hang up the phone and lay Gracie in her crib. I need to go do something to let off steam. The music room seems like a good Idea so I head up there. Demi's in there but I go in anyway and grab a guitar. I play world of chances and tear up a little.

"What's up kiddo?" Demi asks

"Angela won't respect that I don't want her in my life after the incident with George so I told her to come over for dinner tonight but that's the last time she's allowed to see me" I explain

"I know what she did was hurtful but don't you think it's a little harsh?" Demi asks

"Not really, it was a privilege for her to be in my life in the first place and she blew it" I say

"It's your call but think about it before you push her away for good" Demi says

She gets up and goes downstairs. I go back to my music and calm down a little. Once I'm done with music I go check on Gracie. As I play with her I get a text from Angela. I text her back and go back to playing with Gracie.

By the time dinner roles around I get kinda nervous. Angela shows up so I go get the door.

"Hi" I say as I open the door

"How are you?" Angela asks

"I'm fine, you?" I say

"Fine" Angela says

Angela and I go sit on the couch. It's pretty awkward so I think of something to say.

"So what's the situation with George?" I ask

"I'm trying to divorce him and get a restraining order" Angela says

"Really?" I ask

"Yes, I know he's hurt both of you girls and I hate that I was too scared to do anything so I'm trying to make everything right" Angela explains

"I still don't know how I feel about being in your life with George around so until that happens I don't want to be around you but after that I'll let you be in my life" I say

"Really?" Angela asks

"Yeah you want things to be okay with us and I respect that, I do too I just don't feel safe with George in the picture" I say

"I'm so happy you're giving me another chance" Angela says

Gracie starts crying so I go pick her up, It's about her dinner time. I check to see if I have any pre-made bottles left but I don't. I go back in the living room and get ready to breast feed her instead.

"Excuse me" I say to Angela and help Gracie latch on

"How old is she?" Angela asks

"3 days" I tell her

"Aww" Angela smiles

"Her full name is Gracie Demetria" I say

"It's beautiful" Angela says

"Thanks" I say "I actually had no idea what to name her so I asked fans on twitter and saw Gracie and loved it then mom tweeted her name and since she's had such an impact on my life I gave her that as her middle name"

"That's cute" Angela says "who's the dad?"

"Shawn Mendes" I say

"Is he around?" Angela asks

"Not really" I say "but we're fighting at the moment so we'll see what happens"

Gracie finishes eating so I get myself back together and cuddle her.

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask Angela

"Sure" she says

I hand Gracie over to Angela then go check on dinner.

"Hey dinner should be done soon" I say

"Okay" Angela says

We talk for a few more minutes then Demi calls us in to eat. I take Gracie and lay her in the play pen then Angela and I go eat.

She doesn't stay long after dinner, that's okay. I just laid Gracie down for bed and I'm headed there too. I'm glad I had Angela come over I think everything will work out fine.

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