Telling The Moms

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I'm not even 20 yet and I'm going to have two kids, this is crazy. How do I even go about telling mom and marissa? They're going to be so upset with me. Yeah I still haven't figured that out yet...

"Amanda are you in there?" Maddie calls

"Yeah" I say as I leave the bathroom "hey mad"

"You look worried" Maddie says

"I am" I say

"Why?" Maddie asks

"I'm telling mom and Marissa about the baby today" I say

"Oh, I see" Maddie says "good luck"

"Thanks" I say

"Anyway mom Dallas and bailey are all downstairs" Maddie says

"Tell them I'll be down in a minute I just have to go check on Gracie" I say

"Okay" Maddie says

Mad goes back downstairs and I go to Gracies room. She's sitting in her crib smiling.

"Hi princess" I say

Gracie smiles and reaches for me. I pick her up and kiss her on the forehead. Once I get downstairs I find everyone in the kitchen.

"Hey guys" I say

"Hey kid" Dallas says and gives me a look

"Hi honey" Dianna says

"Hey momma can I talk to you and Rissa alone a minute?" I ask

"Of course" mom says

I hand Gracie over to Dianna and go upstairs with marissa and Demi. We go in my room and they sit down.

"I'm really nervous about telling you this but I know I have to tell you before any more time goes by" I say

"What is it baby?" Demi says

"I'm pregnant again" I say quickly

"Wait what?" Demi says

"I'm sorry" I say

"You're kidding right?" Marissa asks

"No" I say

Marissa shakes her head and leaves the room, I look at Demi to see her reaction.

"I'm really sorry mom" I say

"I know you are honey I'm just shocked" Demi says

"Are you mad?" I ask

"Of course not" Demi says

"I feel so guilty" I say

"Don't honey you're getting married and moving on in life, yes you're still young but you've got a good head on your shoulders and plenty of support" Demi says

"Thanks" I say

"Of course" Demi says

"I'm scared to have two babies and live on my own all around the same time" I admit

"You'll do fine honey" Demi says

"I guess, it's just scary" I say

"Of course it is but it'll all be fine we'll all help you" Demi says

As Demi and I are talking we here Gracie screaming. I jump up off my bed and run downstairs. Dianna's holding her, trying to calm her down. I take her and bounce her. I cuddle her until she calms down.

"What happened?" I ask

"Teething" Dianna says

"Oh alright" I say and get a teething ring out of the freezer

I sit Gracie in the playpen and go find bailey and Maddie. They're up in Maddie's aerialist room.

"Hey guys" I say

"Hey" they say

"Did you tell Demi and marissa?" Maddie asks

"Yeah, Demi's fine and marissas well I don't know" I say

"She'll come around" Maddie says

"I hope" I say

"I'm so confused" Bailey says

"Oh I'm pregnant again" I say

"Yay!" Bailey says

I have to laugh at her, she loves not being the youngest in the family. After talking to the girls for a while I go in my room.

"You okay?" Demi asks after knocking on my door

"Yeah I just need alone time for a few minutes" I say

"Everyone's getting ready to leave come say bye then you can have alone time" Demi says

"okay" I say

After hugging everyone and saying hey I get gracie and go back upstairs. I lay her in her crib then take a nap. I'm just happy Demi's okay with another baby. A while later I wake up and get Gracie so she can eat. Once she's done I let her play in her play pen so I can go find marissa. I go up to Demi and marissas room and knock on the door.

"Come in" Demi calls

"Marissa can I talk to you?" I ask as I walk in

"Honey if it's about the baby we already talked about it, she's not happy about it but she'll get over it" Demi says

"Oh okay" I say

I go back downstairs and pick Gracie up. She cuddles up to me and yawns. I sit in the rocking chair and rock her to sleep. It's a happy mommy moment right now.

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