Saving Bailey

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"Can you be my nightingale

sing to me I know you're there

you could be my sanity

bring me peace sing me to sleep

say you'll be my nightingale"

I sang out in front of hundreds of people. Mom had me come with her to her Good Morning America show in New York City to sing. She says if I'm going to be a singer I need to start singing in front of large crowds. Yes, I have an album out but it wasn't very successful. I need to make myself a little more known first. So from now on I'm going to sing at least one song wherever mom performs. Everyone starts cheering once I finish the song. Mom comes back on stage and hugs me.

"Isn't my baby girl amazing?" Demi asks

Everyone starts cheering even more and I blush.

"Amanda you're amazing!" Someone yells

"Aww thanks!" I say

Mom and I go backstage and Phil walks up to us.

"We need to get you back into business" he tells me

"I agree" I say

"Have you been working on any more music?" Phil asks

"Actually I have" I say

"Oh good" phil says

"I should have at least 3 songs done by the end of the week" I tell Phil

"That's great" he says

Demi and I say bye to Phil and head back to the hotel.

"Mom are we going home soon?" I ask

"Actually we're heading out tomorrow" mom tells me

"Oh yay" I smile

"Well I'm tired I'm taking a nap" mom announces

"Alright" I say

Mom goes and lays down so I go plop down on the couch. I turn my phone on to a bunch of calls from Angela's house.

I should probably call them back.

Bailey: hello?

Me: Bai, is everything okay?

Bailey: no please come get me

Me: what's wrong bailey?

Bailey: dad got released from jail and moms going to get him

Me: I'm in New York with Demi but we'll be back tomorrow, can you wait that long?

Bailey *sniffles* no I'm scared

Me: alright I'll have Dallas come get you okay

Bailey: thanks

Me: anything for you baby girl

I hang up with Bailey and text Dallas. She said she would go get her. Mom walks out and sits next to me.

"Hey mom I'm going to leave tonight" I tell her

"Why?" Mom asks

"My dad got out of jail, Dallas has bailey now but I need to go be with her" I explain

"Alright be careful and call me throughout the night so I know you're okay" mom says

"Okay" I say

I have max drive me to the airport and I board my plane.

*skip plane ride*

I have a cab drop me off at my house so I can get my car. I throw my stuff in the trunk and speed to Dallas's.

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