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I have my first doctors appointment for the baby today, I'm so nervous. We all know what happened the last time I went to the doctors and I don't want a repeat.

"Amanda we have to go" Demi calls

"Coming" I call

I go downstairs and we get in the car. The whole ride there I can't help but worry.

"Mom what are they gonna do?" I ask as we get out of the car

"We'll start off with paperwork then they'll do the typical doctor stuff then they'll check on the baby using an ultrasound" Demi explains

"You'll be there the whole time, right?" I ask

"Of course" Demi says

"Okay good" I say

Demi signs me in, then we go sit down. I'm still nervous about this but I know I need to do it for the sake of the baby.

"Amanda Lovato" the nurse calls

Demi and I follow the nurse back to the room. I sit on the bed thing while Demi sits in the chair next to me.

"Hi Ms. Lovato how are you?" Nurse Carlisle asks

"I'm good" I smile weakly

"Glad to hear that" Nurse Carlisle smiles "So we'll start off with some paper work for you to fill out, it's not much"

Nurse Carlisle hands me the papers so I start filling them out. They're mostly about medical history. Once I'm done I hand the papers back and She brings them to the office.

"Mom what's going to happen next?" I ask

"Probably the typical stuff like your heart beat" she tells me

"Can I sit in your lap?" I ask

"Of course" Demi says

I hop up and Demi sits down on the bed. I sit in her lap and cuddle up to her.

"do you think I'll ever stop being scared of the doctors?" I ask

"Of course, and even if you don't that's perfectly fine" I say

"Oh look at that she's so scared she's sitting her mommy's lap" the doctor laughs as he walks in "you surely aren't ready to be a parent"

I start crying even harder so Demi got up and sat me on the bed and started yelling at the doctor.

"Listen here you little Dick you do to know my daughter and I don't appreciate you speaking to her like that" Demi smacks him hard and pulls me out to the reception area.

"Can she see a different doctor please?" Demi asks

"Of course" the secretary says

We go back in the room to wait for the new doctor. I'm not sitting in Demi's lap but I am squeezing her hand.

"Hi I'm Dr. Kennedy I'll be your new doctor" a lady comes in and says

"Hi I'm Demi and this is Amanda" Demi says

"It's nice to meet you both" Dr. Kennedy says

Dr. Kennedy checks my heart rate, pulse, and all that stuff then has me lay down on the bed. She sets up the ultrasound machine and rubs cools jelly like stuff on my stomach. Demi and I look at the screen and see a little tiny figure moving around. Dr. Kennedy explains the baby's progress and tells us we're both doing wonderful. Demi makes me an appointment for a month later and we head home. As soon as we walk inside I go up to my room. I'll find out whether I'm having a boy or girl in about 4 months so I want to start thinking about names now. I decide to make a list of girl names and another of boy names. That's pretty much what the rest of my night consisted of.

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