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Demi woke me up a few minutes ago telling me we have to get ready to head to New York for an interview thingy. I slowly got up and trudged to the bathroom to shower. I made my water really hot and ended up taking an hour long shower. I jumped out of the shower and got dressed. I decided on my red skinnies and my Lovatic t shirt. I also added a lot of my Lovatic jewelry and I put some light make up on. I didn't feel like doing much with my hair so I just put it up in a messy bun.

"Amanda are you ready yet?" Demi called

"Yeah I'll be down In a sec" I call back

I grabbed all of my stuff and ran downstairs

"I'm ready" I say

"Alright let's go" Demi replies

We got in the car and started driving to the airport. I had my earbuds in and I listened to Demi's music for the majority of the ride, As I was listening I started singing along and demi looked at me oddly. I'm guessing she doesn't realize I have my earbuds in and thinks I randomly burst into song. When we get to the airport I put my phone away and helped demi with our bags.

"You have an amazing voice, you know that" Demi says

"It's really not that good but thanks" I mumble

"Now you look at me" Demi said cupping my chin "don't think so lowly of yourself Amanda you are amazing and perfect the way you are okay? Your voice is absolutely amazing and I want to get you on a record deal one day"

"Do you really think I'm that good?" I ask

"I know it" Demi replied "now come on we have a flight to catch"

Demi and I went through the bag checks and stuff and finally made it to the plane. Demi led me to the first class section and I was shocked. I know first class is a regular for her and all but still. Once we took off I plugged my earbuds in and fell asleep listening to demi. Waking up about an hour later I got really bored.

"Demi I'm bored" I whined

"Play a game on your phone, tweet, listen to music" Demi suggested "there's not much you can do"

"Ugh how much longer do we have?" I groaned

"A few hours" Demi sighed

"I'm hungry too" I whined

"There will be a flight attendant coming around with food soon" Demi replied

Just then I saw the flight attendant and flagged her over "hey flight attendant come here"

"Amanda watch how you talk to adults" Demi warned me "you better apologize"

"Yes ma'am" the flight attendant, who's name is Jamie asked

"First of all I'm sorry for calling you over so rudely and second I'm hungry" I say

"We have little snacks like cookies, popcorn, chips... You get the idea" Jamie smiles

"Do you have pretzels?" I ask

"Yes ma'am would you like some?" Jamie asks

"Obviously I do since I asked" I said with an attitude

"okay I'll be right back" Jamie said

"What did I say about being rude to adults" Demi snapped

"Sorry" I whisper

"This is your last warning and you better apologize" Demi said

"Here's your pretzels" Jamie said, hurrying back

"Thank you and sorry for being rude again" I say

"Your fine" Jamie replies then walks away

I sat silently and started eating my pretzels but they tasted horrible.

"jamie" I called

"Yes?" She asks hurrying over to me

"Take these pretzels back they taste horrible" I say in disgust shoving the pretzels at her

Jamie took the pretzels and walked away. Demi on the other hand stood up and dragged me by the ear to the bathroom.

"What the hell?" Demi says

"The pretzels tasted bad" I say

"Doesn't matter you were being disrespectful and I won't have that" Demi says

"I'm sorry" I mumble

Demi sat on the toilet and pulled me over her knees.

"Demi no please don't" I beg quickly getting off her lap

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't" Demi replied

"We're on a plane and you're not my mother biologically" I state

"we're in the privacy of the bathroom and it doesn't matter you're still my daughter now, I can punish you how I feel is necessary" Demi says

"Please don't demi" I try again

"This or I take your phone" Demi says

"Ugh" I groan and laid across her legs

"That's what I thought" Demi said

She began my punishment, I would fight back but I don't want extra or my phone taken and I don't know what her punishments are truly like yet. I don't want to find out either so I just laid there and cried. After 5 more minutes she finally stopped and pulled me into a hug.

"Baby girl it's all over" she whispers and rubs my back

"It hurts" i say

"it's supposed to" Demi replies "now come on let's get back to our seats"

I got up and demi led me back. I winced in pain as I sat down.

"Demi it hurts to sit" I whine

"If you keep whining you'll go right back over my knee" Demi warns "you can lay down cuddled up to me if you want"

I gladly took the opportunity and laid my head on her stomach, since her chair is like a recliner and she's relaxed. Demi rubbed my back and I eventually fell asleep. I ended up sleeping for the rest of the ride.

"Amanda wake up" Demi said gently shaking me

"Are we in New York?" I ask

"Yup" Demi replies

I slowly sat up forgetting about the punishment from earlier and winced in pain. Demi and I gathered our stuff and got off the plane. Demi led me to her rental car and we drove to the hotel. Once we get inside and signed in we decide to just relax since she doesn't have the interview until tomorrow.

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