Wedding Bells

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I'm glad Devan took the baby news well and Marissa and talked, she's come around too. Today's my wedding and i really don't want anyone in a bad mood. Everyone is doing some last minute decorating right now while I shower and start to get ready. After showering I throw on a robe and start my makeup. Since the wedding is outside I'm doing more of an earthy look but still have color.

"Hey Amanda" Maddie says

"Hey what's up" I say

"Just wondering if you need am any help" she says

"Want to start on my hair?" I ask her

"Sure" she says "curls?"

"Yep" I say

Maddie starts on my hair while I finish my makeup. She does a half up half down look with curls. Afterwords I get my dress on and everyone else comes up to get ready. Since I'm pretty much ready I get all the kids ready. Tristan's little tux is adorable on him and his combed hair looks great! Gracie's dress is on her, and the twins are already dressed.

"Is everyone ready?" Dianna asks

"Yep I think so" I say

"Okay good" she says "Demi and I will go ahead and head downstairs now"

"Okay I'll see you guys later" I say

Once Demi and Dianna leave we get everyone ready to head downstairs. Bailey offered to help Rae with Gracie if needed and Maddie will help the boys. So walking down its will be the girls, bailey, the boys, Maddie, Dallas, and then me. Bailey hears the music and walks with the girls. From what I can see they're doing great and bailey isn't helping much. Next the boys walk down and stand with Maddie. Dallas walks and then I do.

Devan stands there proudly and takes my hands. Our pastor (or whatever it's called) reads this thing and the boys give us the rings. We slip them on each other and say the I do's. We're then able to kiss and the marriage is official. Demi walks up to me and pulls me into a hug, she's crying her eyes out.

"I'm so proud of you" she says and pulls away

"Thanks momma" I say

"I guess we'd better get started on the food" she says

"Yep" I laugh

I go find Devan and we start setting the food out. While everyone gets their food I grab a bottle then get Gracie from Angela.

"Can I feed her?" Ryan asks

"Sure kiddo" I say

Ryan sits on one of the chairs then I sit Gracie on his lap. I help keep her supported as he feeds her.

"You're so good with them" Devans mom says as she walks up to me

"Thanks" I say

"Oh no problem" She says

Gracie finishes her bottle so I take her and go find Demi.

"Hey mom" I say

"What's up?" She says

"If anyone asks where I am I'm laying her down for a nap" I tell her

"Gotcha" she says

I bring Gracie upstairs and Lay her down. I decide to sit down for a minute but end up falling asleep.

"Amanda, wake up" Devan says while shaking me

"Huh?" I say

"People are starting to head out" he tells me

"Oh okay" I say

We head back outside and say bye to everyone. Once they all leave Devan and I sit down and look through any pictures that were taken. Soon after we call it a night.

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