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Today is the high Schools graduation and I've been given the opportunity to walk across the stage. After the ceremony for the kids who were in school any kids who did school online get to go across, like a mini ceremony.

We're allowed to have 8 tickets so Demi, Dianna, Devan, Marissa, Maddie, Tristan, Gracie, and Eddie are going. Everyone's dressing up nicely, I'm wearing a plain white dress under the teal gown.

Tristan, Devan, and Eddie are wearing suit and ties, Maddie's wearing a black dress, Dianna's wearing a nice shirt and skirt, Demi's wearing the outfit she wore on the today show, Marissa's wearing one of Demi's dresses, and Gracie's wearing a cute little dress.

We're on our way over now so they all get good seats. Once we get there we pile out of the car, I grab Gracie and her diaper bag, then we go in. I have to go in a different way than them but Gracie starts screaming when I try to hand her off so I take her with me. I go in the holding room where we wait for everyone and sit down. Gracie ends up needing to eat so I feed her and luckily she messes in her diaper before we leave the room.

Now that everyone is here we line up. We process in and take our seats, I'm the only one with a baby but honestly I don't care. After a bunch of speeches the regular class gets there diploma and processes out then we line up.

I leave the diaper bag on my seat and walk up with Gracie. I'm sure people are judging me but I know my family is proud of me and I'm proud of myself. My name is about to be called and Gracie's falling asleep.

"Amanda Nicole Lovato"

I walk across the stage and I'm given a book for my diploma. Gracie reached for it and grabs it, it's the cutest thing. carefully I shake the guys hand and walk off the stage. Another guy with a camera is at the end. I situate Myself so I'm holding Gracie and the diploma, once the picture is taken I go back to my seat. I put my book in the diaper bag and get ready to process out. After everyone's names are called we move our tassels to the left and process out. I wait for everyone by the doors, hopefully they'll find me.

"Amanda" Maddie says as she walks up to me

"Hey" I say

"Congrats" she says

"Thank you" I say

Soon after everyone else shows up and says congratulations. After hugs we head back home. I immediately lay Gracie down then change into some pajamas. Demi comes in my room a few minutes later.

"Congratulations baby girl" she says

"Thanks momma" I say

"I'm so proud of you" she says

"Thanks" I say

"Mom are you okay?" I ask, noticing tears in her eyes.

"They're happy tears" she says "you've come so far in the past two years"

"I have" I say

Demi and I cuddle for a little while and I fall asleep. I always fall asleep quickly when I'm with Demi.

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