Side Job

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I had a job interview for Starbucks a few weeks ago that went well. Today I'm going in as a trial day and this will make or break whether I'm keeping the job. Since my music career hadn't really kicked off I need a way to consistently make money. Dallas is watching Gracie for today since Bailey wanted to see her anyway. I texted Shawn and told him where she'd be if he wanted to see her so hopefully he'll go help out.

"Ready to go?" Demi asks

"Yep" I say

"Alright let's go" Demi says

We go out to the car and Demi starts driving. She's taking me today so she can keep an eye on me in case something goes wrong. As soon as we walk in I get nervous. It's really busy and it'll probably only get worse. I hand Demi my stuff and go behind the counter. I grab my apron then find the manager.

"Oh there you are Amanda" she says

"Hi kelly" I smile

"Ready for your first day?" Kelly asks

"I'm nervous but ready" I say

"You'll be alright" Kelly laughs "why don't you start by making the drinks"
I station myself by the drink maker and look at the first order, vanilla frap for Mom. I laugh as I make the drink. I know it's Demi. Once I finish making it I call for Demi.

"Mom your drink is ready" I say with a smile

"Thank you" Demi laughs

I shake my head and move on to the next drink. All is going well so I'm switched to counter to try.

"Hey aren't you Demi lovatos daughter?" A customer asks

"Maybe" I say "what would you like?"

"An autograph and chai tea for Kelsey" she tells me

I put in the Order and take the next one. Slowly more people are noticing I'm Demi's daughter and it gets hectic. Everyone is crowding around the counter asking for so many things. An anxiety attack starts so I run to the back of the store. Not a minute later my boss is back here screaming at me. Tears are streaming down my face and it's hard to breath. Luckily Demi shows up and scoops me into a hug. My boss screamed at her for being back here. She takes the apron off of me and carries me out. Needless to say I was fired. It doesn't matter too much I'll just have to work somewhere more secluded.

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