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I ended up taking Dani home this morning, they got her dad out pretty quick. I told her to call me any time and gave her my number. Devan said he's taking me somewhere today, once again it's a secret. He said to dress fancy which means I have to dig through my closet. I settle on a simple black dress with white flats. I do my makeup and curl my hair. Devan should be here in 15 minutes. I go ahead and wake Maddie and Dani up so they have a few minutes to wake up since they're watching the kids for us.

As expected Devan shows up 15 minutes later. We say bye to the kids and head out. Keep in mind that I have no idea where we're going. Eventually Devan pulls up to a restaurant and parks. We go in and damn it's fancy. Our waiter brings us to a table and we Order waters. By the time those are brought to us we're ready to order, we decide on a lobster to share. It's brought back to us and I'm already on the verge of throwing up. It looks disgusting, but I'm going to try it anyway.

"Want me to take the meat out for you?" Devan asks

"Please" I say

Devan takes the meat out and sits it on my plate. He does the same with his meat then has the waiter take the shell away. We both take a bite at the same time, he loves it but I think it's disgusting.

"Want something else?" He asks

"No it's okay" I say "I'll still eat it"

Which is what I'm doing. It is so gross but it is filling me up. After we eat we leave and Devan takes me to the beach. We walk and talk for a while but then he stops. He looks at me and gets down on one knee.

"Amanda I know we haven't been together long but I really like you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, the twins adore you and even if you're not ready now I'm willing to wait but will you marry me?" He asks all in one breath.

"Of course" I smiled with tears in my eyes. He puts the ring on my finger and stands up. He pulls me into a hug then kisses me.

"it's beautiful, I love it" I tell him

"I knew you would" he says

We're interrupted by my phone ringing. Maddie calls to tell me none of the kids are going to bed and they need help. As soon as Devan and I get back to the house they fall asleep.

"Well I guess I'd better get them home" he says

"Alright" I say and kiss him goodnight

He heads home and I go find Maddie, she notices that I'm really happy.

"What happened that made you so happy?" She asks

"this" I say and show off the ring

"Congrats" Maddie smiles

"Thanks" I say "are mom and Marissa home?"

"No idea" she says

I go look for them, Demi's in her room.

"Mom" I Say

"Hey kiddo" she says

"I have something to tell you" I say nervously

"What is it?" She asks

"Devan proposed and I said yes" I tell her

"Congratulations baby girl" she says with a smile. She walks over and pulls me into a hug.

"I should probably go check on Gracie" I say after a minute

"Alright, goodnight" Demi says

"Night" I say

I go change Gracie's diaper then head to sleep. Tonight's events keep replaying in my head until I fall asleep.

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