Songs for the album

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I've already decided I want my next album to be about music. I know I said id have 3 song done by today but I have two. They're called melodies and turn up the music. I have another one in the works it's just not done yet.

"Hey Amanda Phil just called" mom tells me

"What did he say?" He ask

"Send him a copy of the songs, he doesn't have time to meet up today" mom says

"Oh okay" I say

Mom leaves the room and I go back to my song, I'm not liking this one so I scrap it. I need to come up with a good song about music. My playlist is full of songs that have helped me through tough times. As I go through it comes to me! The song will be about a song that has helped me. I put on my music for inspiration and it comes to me. Skyscraper has inspired me most so I'll write about how it saved me! It's perfect. Now to come up with a title. I don't want skyscraper in the song or title, I want it to be creative in a way.

After thinking for about an hour I've finally got it! The song is called this song saved my life. Yeah I know I probably could do better but oh well. I have melodies, turn up the music, and this song saved my life. Now to come up with at least 7 more.

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