My #1 fan Contest

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My team and I decided to do a contest as another way of celebrating the release of my album. I wanted to do something to interact with fans too. We're setting up a thing where fans can send in an email saying why they think they're my biggest fan and at the end of the day I'll choose One. Once the winner is chosen I'll get in contact with them and tell them that they won the chance to spend the day with me. Of course if they say no I'll choose someone else. I'll announce the contest by sending out a twitlonger and then just wait.

"Amanda it's 10 have you sent out the twitlonger yet?" Demi asks

"No, should I?" I ask

"Yep" she says

"okay I'll do it now" I say

"@theamandalovato: Everyone! I want you all to know that I have a contest for you! If you'd like to spend the day with me send me an email telling me why I should pick you! The email is"

After sending the tweet I check my email just to see how many people have sent in something already. People must be taking this seriously and are thinking about what they're going to say, I haven't gotten any yet. Well I've gotten hate but I just block them.

"What kind of fan should I choose?" I ask Demi

"One who seems sincere and not too over the top" she says

"Okay" I say

I wait a couple hours before checking my email again. This time there's at least 100 emails, hopefully I'll be able to choose easily.

"Amanda" Maddie calls

"Yeah?" I call back

"Shawns here" she tells me

I get Gracie and go downstairs, sure enough shawns there.

"I'm guessing you're here to see Gracie?" I say

"If it's possible" he says

"it is but she just ate so the next diaper is on you" I tell him

"Lucky me" he jokes

Sure enough Gracie needs a diaper change so I hand him wipes and a diaper. He actually does a good job with it.

"So you're in a new relationship?" He states, more like a question.

"I am" I say

"Is he good to you?" He asks "and Gracie"

"Yes" I say "I will never let anyone that would harm Gracie into our lives you don't have to worry about that"

"I know" Shawn says "I guess I might be a little jealous"

"I won't stop you from seeing her, don't be jealous" I tell him

"It's not just that" he sighs "you being with someone else reminds me that I screwed up and I know I need to get over it but it's taking time"

"Aww Shawn" I say

"Amanda you need to start going through the emails" Demi calls

"Well I guess I'd better go" Shawn says "I'll see you later"

Shawn leaves and I go through the emails. The first few are good but seem desperate. In the middle there's two girls I like so I save those and there's one at the end. I'm left with Jen, Dani, and Lindsey. After reading through those 3 again my gut is telling me to choose Dani. She's 15, quiet, a little shy, and apparently followed me before I was even adopted by Demi. She's been a fan from the start and really wants to meet me. Lindsey and Jen seem nice but they said they were also fans of Demi which probably means they'll want to meet Demi too. Anyway I decide to send Dani an email.


I read over your email and I'd love to spend the day with you! How about I come pick you up at your house tomorrow?


She almost immediately replies giving me her address and tells me she can't wait. I'm excited to meet her, it's pretty cool that she's been a fan since my YouTube days in the orphanage.

"Did you pick someone?" Demi asks

"Yeah" I say "her name is Dani"

"Cool" she says "do you want me to watch Gracie?"

"Nah I'll probably bring her" I say

"Alright" Demi says

After dinner I get myself to bed, after all I have a huge day ahead of me tomorrow.

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