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Demi really wants me to call her mom and since i also want to call her mom im going to figure out how thats going to happen.

Maddie and i decided to hang out at the skatepark today. Why, i have no idea. Anyway as we walk in i see my group of friends and maddie finds hers. She runs over to her friend Drew and they hug. I dont see how the two aren't together.

I walk over to my group and i'm immediately offered weed. Me, being the dumbass i am takes it. I start smoking it and notice i get a text. Demi wants us home because shes going out for a bit to record. I grab maddie and we head home. Demi is already gone which is good since i smell like weed.

Demi has been gone for most of the day so went ahead and made dinner. We ate then i went to shower. Again, i feel horrible for smoking the weed espesially after she punished me for it yesterday. I didn't get caught this time and you'd think i would be happy about that but i'm not. I hear demi walk in so i call her up.

"what is it?" she asks as she walks in the bathroom

"i uh did something bad" i confess

"what happened?" demi sighs

"when maddie and i went to the skatepark i smoked weed again" whisper

"Amanda i just punished you for this yesterday" Demi states

"i know i'm so sorry i feel horrible" i tear up

"well i'll punish you tomorrow for now get your ass to bed" demi says

"can we please get it done with now?" i ask

"not this time" demi says firmly

"but mom please" i whine

"i said no amanda now go to bed" demi snaps

"please" i beg

"you know what" demi says 'i've had enough"

i look at her confused.

"get your ass across my lap now" Demi demands

i can see demi's pissed now and i shouldn't have begged to get it done with. I quickly lay over my lap and she brings down the first smack.

"ow" i yell

i had just gotten out of the shower so my ass is wet. This is going to be so painful. Demi brings down another smack and i instantly bring my hands back to cover my ass. Bad idea, she just smacked them.

"smack YOU smack smack WILL NOT FIGHT smack smack smack WITH ME smack ABOUT smack smack YOUR PUNISHMENTS smack smack AND smack ACCEPT smack smack smack THEM smack DO YOU smack smack UNDERSTAND smack ME? smack smack smack"

"yes mommy" i cry

"baby you're all done" demi says

"i'm so sorry" i cry

"i know baby" demi says

"am i still getting punished tomorrow?" i ask

"oh yeah" demi says

i sigh and go in my room. after changing into some pajamas i get in bed.

In the morning i go downstairs and eat an apple then go back up. As i walk in my room i see Demi sitting on the bed with a brush next to her.

"do we have to do it now?" i ask

"i said in the morning and i'd like to get this done with" Demi replies

"okay" i sigh

i walk over to Demi and she yanks my pants down. I lay across her lap and wait for the punishment to begin. I'm hoping she won't go to hard on me since i was punished last night.

"do i need to lecture you?" Demi asks

"no, i know i did wrong" i tell her

i felt her bring the brush up and i gulped. The first smack is brought down and it stings horribly.


I bring my hands back covering my butt.

"i'm sorry mommy please no more" i beg

"halfway done baby girl" Demi says

She pins my hands down on my back and continues the punishment.



"all done baby girl" Demi says

"i'm so sorry mommy i won't ever do it again i promise" i cry

"i know baby, you're forgiven" Demi says

Demi rubs my back until i calm down then i get up. I lay down on my bed and try sleeping. crying during a punishment wears me out and makes me tired.

I do end up falling asleep for a while but i'm woken up.

"Amanda wake up" Demi says softly

"i don't wanna" i mumble

"you need to come eat lunch" Demi says

i groan and get out of bed. When demi and i got downstairs i grabbed a plate and made a grilled cheese sandwitch.

After lunch i get a call from Tori...

A: hello

T: hey wanna hang out

A: sorry Tori but i can't hang out with you

T: why

A: i don't want to be pressured into smoking and drinking

T: what the fuck

A: my mom is disappointed in me and i don't want that so we are no longer friends

I hang up on tori and go outside. Maddie, Marissa, and Demi are trying to build olaf from frozen but they're failing miserably.

I laugh at my weird family and go join them.

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