A Dog

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Phil said he's going to work it out so those songs are an EP since he loves them so much. Mom is so happy for me she wants to celebrate, which I said no to. Don't get me wrong I'm excited but I don't want to celebrate until the EP is a success.

"Come on let me at least take you out to eat" mom says

"No mom" I say

"Please" she begs

"Fine, you want to celebrate we can celebrate by getting me a dog" I say

"A dog? Really?" Mom asks

"Yes, I want a dog" I state

"Oh okay..." Mom questions

"Then let's go!" I say excitedly

Mom drives us to the nearest shelter (she wants to get a rescue dog). As soon as we walk in she runs around like a kid in a candy shop. As for me, I laugh at her and walk over to the dogs. A bunch run up to the front of the cage but there's one who stayed in the back. The one in the back is so cute, it's fur is a golden color and it's ears are so fluffy!

"Mom I found the one I want" I say

"Lemme see!" Mom says

I point to the little puppy in the back and mom looks at it in awe.

"Did you find the one you want?" One of the workers asks

"I did!" I say "I want that one"

"Aww finally" the girl says "Little honey has been here since birth and she's almost a year old now"

"Aww I want her can I see her?" I ask

"Of course" she says

The worker goes and gets honey and brings her out to me. Honey starts licking me immediately.

"She's perfect" I say

"We'll take her" mom says

"Can I change her name though?" I ask

"Yes, what would you like to change it to?" The lady asks

"Holly" I say

"Okay" she says

Mom and I fill out the papers then buy a leash so we can take her home. I sit her in the front with me as we drive to the pet store to get supplies. Luckily the store allows animals so we bring her in with us.

I get her a red and black zebra food bowl and a black and white zebra water bowl along with a cute blue dog bed and some toys. We get a big bag of dog food and some treats too. Once we pay we head home.

I keep Holly on the leash but walk her around so she can sniff her surroundings. Once she's sniffed just about every room in the house I let her off the leash to set up her bowls. We have a mat were not using so I sit that down and the bowls on top then fill the bowls. I hang her leash by the front door and put her toys in a basket. Moms making me crate train her so we grabbed the crate Dianna had for Bella and Oliver on the way home. I set that up in my room and put blankets and a couple toys in it. What? I want her to be comfortable.

"AMANDA COME EAT" mom calls

I take holly and go back downstairs. We're having cabbage, which I hate. As we eat I Sneak a bite to holly and mom gives me a look. "Amanda don't give the dog your food" I look down at my plate and keep eating. When mom isn't paying attention I sneak a bite to holly.

"I saw that, go up to your room" mom says

I sigh and go up to my room, Holly follows and jumps up on my bed. Mom comes in a minute later and I hang my head.

"Why didn't you listen when I said don't give the dog your food?" Mom asks

"I don't like cabbage" I confess

"You still have to eat it Amanda you know that" mom says

"I know it's just hard to eat food I don't like" I say

"I know it is that's why I don't make you eat as much but you still have to eat it so if this becomes a habit I'll take holly outside when you eat alright" Mom says

"Okay" I say

"Also cabbage isn't good for a dogs stomach" mom says

"Oh" I say "I'm sorry"

"It's okay, but you know I have to punish you right?" Mom says

"Do you really have to?" I ask

"I'm afraid so" mom says

"Man" I say

Mom laughs and pulls me over her lap then lowers my pants.

"How many am I getting?" I ask

"15" mom says

Less than usual, that's good. unexpectedly, mom starts.




mom puts the brush down and pulls me into a hug. I cry into her shoulder as she rubs my back. I've gotten to the point where I don't beg for her to stop, I've accepted my punishments.

"Now why don't you take holly outside then go to sleep" mom says

"Okay" I say

I go downstairs and take holly outside then bring her up to my room. I sit her on her bed then get into mine. Not too long after she jumps on my bed and curls up to me.

I turn my music on and fall asleep.

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