Day 1

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Demi left. I'm here all alone now. I sit on the bed with my head in my hands. I never wanted this to become this bad.

"it will get easier" Rachel tells me

"but what if it doesn't?" i ask "i haven't been apart from demi for more than a couple hours"

"this won't be easy but if you truly want it then its possible" Rachel says

i sigh and lay back in bed. I'm given time to unpack before dinner and as i do that i find a piece of paper hidden in a drawer.

to whoever finds this, you are worth recovery and you are beautiful. don't let others opinions bring you down. what you think of yourself is most important. good luck and stay strong.

love, Demi Lovato.

A huge smile speads across my face. i'm not sure if anyone else has seen it but i feel special. I put the note back and finish unpacking. I'm going to leave it so others can read it too.

"Amanda its time to eat" Rachel tells me

I get up and follow Rachel out to the dining room. She has me sit down and brings me my food.

"i thought i was supposed to get my food" i say, confused

"special order" she tells me

i look at the plate and see a piece of paper tucked under it. I pick it up and unfold it.


i love you so much baby girl and i'm so proud of you for agreeing to this. You're my little skyscraper you'll do great in here. Keep your head up and focus on getting better. Remember to show your demons whos boss. Think positively and never give up. Now eat babygirl. i know you don't want to but you have to. Food will not hurt you i promise. i'm there with you in your heart. My love is like a star.

I love you my warrior

stay strong

Love, Mom

I swear Demi is the most amazing person in the world. I tuck the note in my pocket and pick up my fork. Slowly stabbing at my food i grab a piece and put it in my mouth. Chewing very slowly, i manage to swallow. This goes on for about an hour before i finally finish.

"i'm so proud of you amanda!" rachel exclaims

"i did it for demi" i say

"she would be incredibly proud of you right now" Rachel smiles

I think about how i won't have demi to tell me goodnight until i get back home and a tear sheds

"whats wrong?" Rachel asks

"i don't have Demi to tell me goodnight" i frown

"imagine it for now and if you do really well i'll let you call her at the end of the week" rachel tells me

"okay" i smile

i go in my room and get ready for bed. Before i go to bed i check my schedule for tomorrow.

7:00 AM to 8:00 AM: Get up and ready for the day

8:00 AM to 9:00 AM: Breakfast

9:00 AM to 10:00 AM: Therapy Session

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM: group

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM: lunch

1:00 PM to 3:00 PM: activities (music, art, gym)

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