Telling Devan

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I've known about the baby for two days now and still haven't told Devan. I feel bad, he should've been the first to know. I'm going to tell him today but I'm doing it creatively. See I'm going to make us dinner tonight with only baby foods like baby corn and stuff like that. Then for dessert I'm going to bring out a cake shaped like a pregnancy test. Before any of this I need to tell Devan to come over.

Me: hey Dev
Devan: hey
Me: can you come over tonight?
Devan: sure, what time?
Me: around 6
Devan: cool see you then

After texting Devan I go downstairs and sit on the couch. Demi comes in soon after and sits with me.

"You're telling Devan today right?" She asks

"Yeah" I say

"Good" she says

"I just hope he takes it okay" I say

"He may or he may not but he will be there for this baby just as much as he is for the twins" Demi says

"You're probably right" I sigh

"Don't stress about it" Demi says and gets up. She goes in the kitchen probably to make lunch.

After a while I start making dinner, Demi and Marissa go upstairs and Maddie is in her room. Devan gets here just as I finish setting out the food.

"Hey babe" he says and kisses me on the cheek

"Hey" I say "ready to eat?"

"Yep what do we have?" He asks

"See for yourself" I say

We sit down and make our plates. Devan looks a little confused by the food. After eating we watch tv for a bit then I bring out the cake. Reality hits him then.

"You're pregnant" he mumbles

"I am" i say

"Well I guess we'll get through this together" he says

"4 kids will be tough but we can handle it" I say

"Very true" he says

"Hey I'm getting tired, want to sleep over?" I ask

"Sure let me just get the twins from Collins and I'll be back" he says

"Okay cool" I say

Devan heads out and comes back an hour later with the twins. They're already sacked out so Devan lays them down then we head to bed.

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