First Day

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Today is my first day at LACC, I'm so nervous. Tori and Haley will be there but we don't have any classes together. I signed up for music theory, English 101, algebra, and psychology to start out with. I'm going full time this semester since I don't have anything going on in my music career. Demi's watching Gracie for me today, which I'm thankful for. Although I do have to start bringing her to daycare soon. I can't rely on the family to watch her every time I go to school or work. I'm running late already and have 2 minutes to get to class. After grabbing all of my stuff I jog to the classroom and make it just as the bell rings.

"Nice of you to join us" the professor says rudely

"At least I made it" I say as I roll my eyes

I take a seat in the back of the room and take out a notebook. I hate that I have what seems like a snobby professor but the class should be okay.

"Ladies and gentleman my name is Professor Austin, welcome to music theory!" Professor Austin says

"What are we learning about today?" Someone asks

"Today we will mostly talk about the artists we see today and what you all want to do with music as a way to get to know each other" Prof Austin explains

"Ooh I know of an artist that's pretty popular in society today" some guy says

"Yes Beyoncé we know" another guy says

"I wasn't talking about her" the first guy says

"Hush you two" prof booms

"Now I'm going to give an example of an artist and I want you to tell me what you think" prof says "first artist, Demi Lovato"

"She's so pretty"

"Her voice is angelic"


"I love what she's doing for society"

"Her music is so powerful"

Those are just some of the things I'm hearing. As for me I'm keeping my mouth shut.

"What about you in the back" prof Austin says, pointing at me

"She's extremely talented, kind, compassionate, and really helpful then it comes to someone's music career" I tell everyone

"Wait aren't you her daughter?" Some girl says

"Yeah you're Amanda" someone else says

"Yeah I am but treat me like a normal person please" I say

"Amanda I'm going to have to ask you to leave as you are a distraction to my class" professor Austin says

"But I-" I try to say but get cut off

"No just go" prof says

I groan and grab my stuff. I flip everyone off as I leave the room. This isn't fair at all, I wasn't a distraction until he called on me. After getting in my car I start driving home but change my mind. I don't know where I'm going yet but home isn't the best idea. I decide to stop at Burger King to get a snack. As soon as I walk in little legs run up and hug me. I look down to see Tristan, followed by bailey and dallas.

"Why aren't you in class?" Dallas asks

"Oh um I got kicked out" I say

"Bailey will you take Tristan to go play while I talk to your sister?" Dallas asks

"Yep" Bailey says

She takes Tristan's hand and they go in the play area. I take Gracie from dallas then we sit down.

"Explain now" she says

"We were asked to give opinions on singers of society now and the first one was Demi so I stayed quiet so people wouldn't realize who I am but then I was called on and people realized it was me so I was accused of being a distraction when I was practically invisible until I was called on even with almost being late" I explain

"You were almost late?" Dallas asks

"I walked in when the bell rang so I wasn't technically late" I say

"Alright I'll let it slide and that's not your fault so don't worry about it just go back next class and don't stress" Dallas says

"Dal will mom spank me for getting kicked out even though it wasn't my fault?" I ask

"No honey you should know better than that" Dallas says

"I'm just scared, what if she won't let me explain?" I ask

"Don't worry Amanda I've got your back" Dallas says

"Thanks" I say

"Mom, Tristan wants to go home" Bailey says as she walks up to us

"Alright let's go" Dallas says "I'll take Gracie since her car seats in my car"

"Okay" I say "can I meet you at your house?"

"Of course" Dallas says

So that's what I did, we got in our cars and left. I followed dallas back to her house and parked behind her. She brought everyone inside but I switched the car seat then went inside. We're all watching a movie when Demi shows up to get Tristan.

"Hey guys" she says as she walks in

"Hey" we chorus

"Did class end already?" She asks me

"No um I basically got kicked out for being your daughter, when people realized who I was I was told I'm a distraction" I explain

"take as many classes as you can online" Demi sighs

"I'd guess we better head out then" I say

Demi and I gather all the baby stuff and say our goodbyes. She leaves first then I'm right behind her. I'm planning on going to the college tomorrow morning to talk to my advisor about online classes.

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