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Maddie is still here since she doesn't want to be around Demi's family right now, I hope everything can be put behind us.. Demi went off to the recording studio for the day so it's just us.

I decide to go upstairs and work on some new music and Maddie follows.

"Do you have any ideas?" Maddie asks

"Actually yeah" I reply

"Oooh what?" Maddie asks

"I'm going to cover one of Colton Dixons songs" I reply

"Awesome! Which one?" Maddie asks

"Scars" I state

For the Morning I work on getting scars perfect and it definitely pays off.

"Hey mads wanna play soccer?" I ask

"Yeah let's go!" Maddie shouts

The two of us run out the door knocking over Demi's favorite vase on the way. We invite a few other people to come over and play with us to make it more interesting.

We end up having two teams of 6. Me, Maddie, Lauren, Camila, Bea, and Luke were a team while jai, Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam, and zayn were a team. Lauren and Zayn were goalies.

As we were playing I kick the ball really hard and it busts the window.

"Shit" I say

Maddie and run inside and come back with clear duct tape and gorilla glue. Maddie and I get to work taping all the pieces together and gluing them on the rest of the window. This in all took us about an hour.

"Hey who wants to come to my house?" Bea shouts

Everyone agrees so we put the soccer ball away and head to Beas. We all go up to Her massive bedroom and hang out. As we were talking Demi busts through the door. Maddie and I looked at each other and try running through the door. It doesnt work, as soon as we reach the door demi grabs us by our shirts.

"Say goodbye to everyone you won't be seeing them for a while" Demi whispered.

She drags us out of the house and threw us in the car. Not a word is said the whole ride home.

As soon as we get home demi said "Clean it up" pointing at the Broken vase

Maddie and I immediately clean up the vase.

"Now anyone care to explain why my vase is broken. Why nobody told me, and why it was just left there?" Demi whisper yelled

"Uh we decided to outside and play soccer and we ran downstairs and out the door and the vase was knocked over. We were to distracted to clean it up and we don't have a reason for not telling you" I explain

"You both are In so much trouble" Demi says running her fingers through her hair

Maddie goes up to her room and I go up to mine. I know whats coming so I get myself prepared.

"Should I use the belt or brush?" Demi asks shutting the door behind her

"It's not up to me" I reply

Demi pulls a chair into the middle of the room and sits down. I pull my pants and underwear down and lay across her lap.

She instantly puts all of her force into to the first smack causing me to scream out in pain. Demi keeps on smacking me and I've learned not to fight back so I just lay here and let her punish me. After a while of trying to be tough and take the punishment I break and start bawling. A few minutes later she stops and pulls me into a hug.

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