Chapter 3

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The sound of my alarm woke me up the next day. I decided it would be perfect to go for a run and stretch my muscles. I hoped not to get lost this time, although now it was easier to know where I should go.

I concentrated on the campus as I walked through it. The music ran through my ear, and I felt like I was flying, that I could start over. I stopped to rest and look at how much I had run, an hour. It wasn't enough for me, but it was a good start. I decided to rest and stretch for a few minutes while looking at the green landscape. It was a surprise to see the girl who showed me the way the day before, sitting under a tree, looking around while writing in a notebook. For a moment, our eyes met, and I pretended to be looking at something behind her. I noticed how her sight was concentrated in my direction for a few eternal seconds before returning her gaze to her notes. I tried to focus on the push-ups I was doing, but the doubt about what she was writing was freaking me out. Without thinking any longer, I started jogging in her direction. I hadn't planned what to say, but a part of me wanted to know about her, despite the atrocious impression yesterday.

-Homework so soon?- I asked as soon as I got to her, trying to sound kind. She, however, did not look up from what she was writing, I tried to read, but her long hair hindered the mission.

-Yes. It is an assignment explaining why athletes are so annoying.-It was the only thing that came out of his mouth while she continued scribbling.

-I just wanted to talk, you know? You don't have to be such a bitch.

The look she gave me made me understand that I screwed up.

-First of all, I didn't call you, so I don't understand why you came here, and then you want me to talk to you as if I had known you all my life? Do you think you're superior just because you're Casey Gardner? Because you have a future that most of us here can only wish to have?-When she finished, she got up from the ground and began to put her things in her backpack.

-I'm sorry...- I tried to say.

-Just, don't talk to me.

She left without letting me fix it, I watched how she walked away slowly, and I felt like an idiot. I didn't know why she hated me so much. And I didn't understand why I needed to discover more about her.

It was pointless to think about her, so I laid on the ground and started doing crunches, feeling my muscles tighten again. I was about to finish, yet I heard someone approaching me. I sat watching a girl standing in front of me.

-Hi! Would you give me your autograph, please? I'm your fan!-She said, surprising me. It was the first time someone had spoken to me so kindly since I arrived.

-Mmm, sure! Do you have a...?- I heard how she started to laugh.

-You should have seen your face!. It must be tough not to be admired anymore. I am Sharice, and sadly, for me, I'll have to be your teammate. Training will start next week, 3 hours, every day except weekends. Unfortunately, we are not like Huskies, who are allowed to train every day.

She started to walk away from me, but I ran to face her.

-Why does everyone hate me? What the hell did I do?

-You chose us! We all saw how your father looked at you angrily when you got the wrong cap, and you didn't dare to say it in front of all the reporters. Do you think we are stupid? That we don't know that you didn't choose us because you wanted to? And now you come here to be treated like a God. "Wow, look at UCLA. They have the Ace from Newton's generation prodigies."

-It wasn't a mistake!

-Then why are you here? Why did you choose that cap?- She asked me seriously.-Why did the great celebrity choose the worst university?

"I... I don't.- I was stammering without being able to produce a complete sentence. I sighed, feeling my watery eyes.

-That's what I thought. Next week, Gardner.-She remembered and left me completely alone.

I wiped away a tear that had slipped away and was now caressing my cheek. I saw how some people were attentive to me. I couldn't resist anymore, and I allow my legs to carry me to my room, closed the door and pulled the curtains. I wanted to be completely alone and let my tears take control of my body.

- I don't know.- I answered the question that I couldn't answer before.- I don't know.


-Taylor!- I heard my name behind me and turned to meet Coach McNiff. I approached her, a little scared.

-Coach McNiff, good morning. Did I do something wrong?

-What? -She inquired with surprised.-Not at all. I wanted to talk to you before classes start. Can we walk?

We started a slow walk through the campus. I still felt like my heart was beating fast, with fear. But now, I was a little calmer.

-As you know, Abby has been injured on vacation, which leaves us without a captain.- I tried to say something about it, knowing where this would go, but she didn't let me try.-You are talented, Taylor. And she would be extremely proud if you accept.

-What about Chloe? She is the second leader. I can't accept it. Sorry.-The coach placed her hand on my arm, caressing it carefully.

-Everyone will agree.- "I don't think so," I thought, but I couldn't tell why. -If you don't, I'll get you off the team.

I opened my mouth to reply immediately, but after seeing her gaze, I saw that she was serious. I couldn't accept being off the team.

-Fine.-I answered reluctantly, and I was a little glad to see the smile she put on her face.

-Thank you, Izzie. It means a lot to us. See you in training.-She turned her back on me, and I was going to start walking to my room when I heard her call again.- I forgot to tell you, this year we will pay more attention to the basketball team. We must take good care of our star.-She said excitedly and let me alone.

"Casey Gardner," I thought and rolled my eyes. The perfect girl, with a future, good parents and a talent that everyone envies. When I see her, I remember everything that she is and I cannot be.

No one demands her to be something she is not, nor does she have to endure rumours that are not true.

I sighed, feeling how childish I might sound, hating someone with whom I have no relationship. But when I look at her, I can't help but feel jealous of how perfect her life is. And now I will have to support and shout her name throughout the season.

I sighed again and entered the building, looking for my room. When I arrived, her door was closed. I felt a little bad about how I was treating her. I raised my fist and was about to knock. "Do it!" I said to myself, even though my actions ignored it, and I simply walked into my room, ignoring everything my mind was saying.

It has no sense in trying.

Hello! How's everything going?

I hope you're ok and enjoy this new chapter.

Well, let me know if there's something that might need a change. I'm all ears (well eyes). 

Pd: I don't own the names of any characters in this work and I don't want to disrespect the people like the coach or even Paige Bueckers either (I just love her and I wanted to introduce her).

Thanks a lot for reading it, and use your time in this story. I appreciate it.

See you next time.


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