Chapter 29

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"You know?" Paige started while dribbling the ball after a game we had. "It would be great if we go to Newton together."

We were in our last year of secondary school, and we had already started thinking about the best high school to go to together.
Newton had become a great Minnesota high school and had competed for a few titles, yet always lost in the finals.

"I don't know," I said without deciding. "My father won't be too happy about me going to a high school with no titles."

"Come on, Gardner! We'd go together! We're like unstoppable, aren't we?"

I huffed, trying to contain a laugh. It was true. Paige and I had been featured in various publications as the 'future' of Minnesota. We had made our school the best in the city.

"A high school is another level. We may not be enough."

"Well, who knows? It might surprise us. Then we'll go to UCONN and be Huskies."
This time, I laughed.

"You already have our whole life figured out, right?"

"It's just that we've always been together. My life is with you." She smiled weakly. And I jumped on her back and messed up her hair. The ball skidded across the ground. "GET OFF ME, GARDNER!" She tried to get free, and I took the opportunity to hang on her back.


In the end, she held me, and I settled on her back, being carried by her. I rested my head on her shoulder and listened as she sighed.

"What do we do with the ball?"

I huffed and got off her back. I grabbed the ball and gently tossed it to her, then climbed back on her back and heard the blonde smile.}

***End of flashback***

"What can you say about Paige Bueckers?" The coach asked after showing us a video of Paige's best plays.

"I think that's a question for Casey," Sharice confirmed, looking at me carefully. I sighed and smiled weakly.

"Paige is... Paige. She's a jack-in-the-box that will never stop coming up with something new."

"That doesn't do us much good, Gardner," Sharice added, somewhat annoyed.

"I can't say more. I always played with Paige, never against her. When we were in Newton, it was easy. I knew what to do because she knew it too. It was magic. I don't know."

"Are you sure you can play against her in this match?" Emily asked, concerned. "How you talk... I don't know if you want to play against Paige."

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