Chapter 34

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"How's everything going?" I asked, and the blonde sighed. I grimaced, imagining her response.

"Well, at least it wasn't a serious injury, but I won't be playing for several months." She responded, and I bit my lip, seeing her so devastated. "I hate this. I hate not being able to play and help my team."

I felt so bad for her. I knew how much she loved basketball, and I imagined how hard it would be not to be able to play. I closed my eyes, trying to control the urge to cry. The whole situation had gotten out of our control. We never had to kiss in the locker room. We should have been honest with Casey before she found out. It's just that we were both so afraid of her reaction. But analyzing the situation, that would have been better.

"Hey. We'll get through this together, baby." She added, and I opened my eyes to find her with a smile on her face. I wanted to hug her and tell her that everything would be okay. But she had to travel back to Connecticut. Video calls were the only thing that kept us together.

"I feel like this is all my fault," I confessed, and she quickly denied it.

"No. We both accept this. And we're both going to get through it." From her voice, I knew that she was afraid that it wasn't like that. When I saw her that night, I could see how hurt she was, and not because her eye and leg had been hurt but because of the fear she had of losing Casey. "I know it's stupid, but how are you?"

I sighed and huffed as I looked at a poster on my wall.

"I can't be with the cheerleaders," I confessed, and from the corner of my eye, I watched as she opened her eyes in surprise. Before she asked, I decided to explain the situation. "No one expelled me. I decided it was better to take a few days. They talked about me as if I weren't there. I know they were afraid that I would steal their partners. Or something like that. The best thing was to stay away."

I decided not to tell her the rest of the story. I didn't want her to know I was alone again. That everything went back to how it was before. Nate had taken advantage of the situation to tell people that the rumours he had spread were true. And me? I just went back to being the same whore I was before.

I tried to talk to Casey, but she didn't want to listen, and honestly, I understood her.

I heard she was suspended for two weeks for hitting Paige, which made me feel worse. Now, neither of them could do what they loved most because of me.

Luckily, Paige changed the subject and started talking about football season. I didn't understand much, but it was relaxing to talk about something other than College or basketball.



"She deserved it. Stealing her best friend's girl. That's forbidden." Some guys whispered while we were passing my teammates down the hallway.

"Just ignore them," Dorka whispered, holding my arm, and I sighed.

"I heard she was fucking her while she was with Casey."

"Really? Her girlfriend must be a whore, dude." Although Azzi and Dorka tried, I was faster and walked towards the boys. My leg prevented me from running, but I still walked quickly to where they were talking.

"YOU WANT TO SAY IT TO MY FACE?" I screamed, angry, and they opened their eyes in surprise. Dorka grabbed my arm again and apologized to the boys before forcing me to walk again. At one point, when we were far enough away, I pushed her hard, and Azzi stood in the middle to avoid a fight.

"P, stop it," She threatened, and I snorted.

"I'm not a baby. I don't need you to be with me all day."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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