Chapter 17

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It's me again. Sorry but I've published the chapter in the wrong way. Now it's corrected. :D

"First trip, right?" Izzie asked as I put my tenth shirt in my bag, which was already completely full. I nodded at her question and sighed. "Just take the necessary, Newton. You won't be staying there for a month. Besides, you knew you're playing USC, right? The trip is 20 minutes, nothing serious. Why do you want a dictionary?"

"What if I can't say a word?" She laughed and came over to stand on tiptoe and kiss my lips gently.

"Trust me. You don't need a dictionary." She replied before returning her attention to my lips.


"Wow, I would have bet all my money that you were going to carry three bags, Gardner." Miller laughed as she sat down.

"It's true. On my first trip, I even packed my sheets in case of an emergency." Bessoir added, making us laugh. "What? What if I didn't like the ones delivered by the hotel?"We all laugh more at this.

 I noticed how when the whole team entered, no one else came up. I looked confused and walked over to Sharice, sitting next to Masikewich.

"Hey. Cheerleaders don't come up here?" She laughed at my question and pushed my shoulder playfully.

"Good one, Gardner." Seeing my face, she looked at me blankly. "Oh, you're serious. Of course, they don't go up here. This is only for the basketball team. They go on the bottom. Why? Were you hoping to spend time with someone?"I heard a general "uuuuh" and snorted. 

"Of course not." I pushed Sharice gently and went back to my seat, placing my bag on the seat next to me, the one I had reserved for Izzie.

The trip was smooth, as my girlfriend said, it only took us 30 minutes before we got to the hotel. When we got out, I walked up to Izzie quickly, putting my arm around her shoulders.

"Hey, you need to stop freaking out every time I hug you. You make me look like a killer or something." I joked after seeing how she was scared by my touch. She took off her headphones before answering.

"Oh right! Excuse me super celebrity. I'm not used to being hugged." She said softly.

"What do you hear?" I said pointing to her cell phone.

"You know. The normal stuff. Rap ​​and stuff." She answered although not very convinced, and I moved my hand closer to her earpiece so I could listen. She quickly took it off, preventing me from putting it in my ear, which turned into a game. We were both in the middle of the hotel, fighting over an earphone. But it didn't matter. We were laughing, and that was the most valuable thing in the world.

"Gardner, leave the cheerleader captain alone, or she'll hit you with her pom-poms." Sharice teased as she walked up to us and looked at Izzie with a smile. "Taylor."

"Offley." My girlfriend replied with the same smile. "Don't you have anything better to do than annoy me?"

"Hey, I come in peace, Taylor. I didn't want this stupid to bother you. Besides, would you mind going out with me on Saturday?"

"No!" I answered instead. And I pushed my captain, which made her laugh harder.

"I see you have things to tell me, Gardner. I'll wait for you in the room. Don't be late, mate." She finished before leaving, and I turned my eyes to Izzie, who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a big smile.

"So. You come here, you scare me, you try to steal my cell phone, and then you deny me a date. Wow, Gardner. What a gentleman."

"Well, if you're that excited about your date, go." I said angrily, grabbing my bag and walking away from her.

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