Chapter 23

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I rested for a few minutes and caught my breath, I had been running for a while, and I already felt my muscles getting tired and my lungs tightening against my chest. I looked at the sky, appreciating how the orange began to dominate the black.

"It's beautiful, don't you think?" I heard Izzie's familiar voice behind me and turned to smile at her. "Can't you sleep again?" She added, coming closer to hug me.

"Izz, I'm sweaty." I tried to avoid her hug, although she wouldn't leave me alone.

"I date a basketball player. I have to deal with sweat." I smiled, and she reached out again to wrap her arms around my torso. "What's wrong? You've been like this for days." I sighed, knowing I couldn't lie to her back any longer.

"The dates for the next matches will be ready soon. I feel scared." She raised her face, in which there was no trace of disbelief, only understanding, prompting me to continue. "What happens if we lose? And everyone sees me as "the great prodigy who couldn't take her team to the final?" Because in Newton, it was different. Everyone knew we would get there. Here it's more complicated.

"Because you don't have your old teammates?" she asked from my chest, and my heart raced. "Yes. I noticed it. You feel fear because you think your teammates are not as talented as you. And I don't blame you. You came from a prodigious team who are almost or as strong as you. And now you are in a team that is not as good as you want. But you know something, Newton? That team trusts you. And they think you trust them. If you win, you'll win together, and if you lose, you'll lose together. Don't lose your team just because you're afraid of losing your reputation, baby."

Her words burned in my head. Despite having spent a whole season with UCLA, it was still difficult to see them as contenders. They are stronger now, but still, for me, it isn't enough. And I knew that nothing was going to be enough for my father.


"Damn it, Casey! You were ridiculous there." My father said, slamming the car door shut. "You think it's just a game?! That you are a starter only to miss almost all of your points?!"

I did not know what to say. It had been my first game starting for Newton, and my emotions were so much for me. I missed all my shots, and I couldn't defend anyone. I had also lost the ball 6 times.

"What will people think?! If it hadn't been for Paige, the team would have lost. Because of you. The only thing you're good at, and you're not even demonstrating it." He was looking at me, waiting for me to say something, but I didn't know what to say. So I looked at my hands in my lap. "ANSWER ME!" He said loudly as his hand grabbed my face to push me against the window. Pain stabbed at my head, and I reached for the spot, only to find it bloody. I looked at my father, scared, and he didn't say anything. He didn't apologize. He didn't even show regret.

"I'm sorry." Said I. "It won't happen again, sir."

"I hope. I don't have time to spend with a loser." Without further ado, he started the car while I looked at the bloody stain on the window.

The first of many.

*End flashback*

"Hey, Gardner! Gardner!!" I came back to reality, only to see how everyone was looking at me. "Are you okay?" Sharice added, and I nodded, trying to look normal.

"You sure, Casey?" The coach added, worried, and I nodded again. This time with a smile. " as I was saying. The game schedules are ready, and our first opponent is Montana St. We know they weren't the best this year, but don't underestimate the team. They can give us big upsets. If we win, we'll play against the winner between Kansas and Georgia." I sighed heavily, and Sharice gave me a quizzical look.

Play with fire-CazzieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon