Chapter 15

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"Gardner!!" - Yelled Sharice, and I felt a hard hit on my head, making me stagger. I turned my face, meeting her, who was looking at me angrily."-Concentrate! You were lost all day. It is more complicated to play with my grandmother than you."

I tried to keep my gaze on my captain, but it was impossible, and my gaze returned to Izzie, who was practising with a smile. As if we were connected, she looked at me for a moment, smiling while biting her lip, and I felt the same blow on my head again. Although this time, it wasn't Sharice but Miller.

"Tell us." She said seriously, and I looked curiously.

"Oh come on!" Said Bessoir. "You don't think we're blind, do you? Tell us what happens between you and Taylor."

We heard a loud whistle, which interrupted us, and we turned our faces towards the noise, meeting with Coach Briggs, who wasn't angry but looked at us quite serious.

So without replicating, we focus on doing our training. We practised alone, for a moment and then we had to make pairs, me staying with Sharice. I had to try to score while she marked me, and she should do the same later.

"Well. Speak."Sharice said as she tried to steal the ball, agitated.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to deflect the subject while evading her defence.

"Yesterday, you were different. And oh my, today you appear here totally lost, looking at Izzie with an idiotic smile."

I sighed and stepped back before throwing the ball. I watched as Sharice ran to the hoop, not to see if the ball would enter or not, but pick it up. We both knew I wouldn't miss it.

When she came back, it was my turn to mark her.

"We have kissed." I whispered.

"What?!" She raised her voice, losing concentration. So I walked over to her and reached out to steal the ball, but she was quicker and held it tighter. I smiled, noticing she had changed since the first time we played together. And maybe, she wasn't a prodigy player, but she's gotten stronger.

"We kissed. Last night."

"And how was it?" She said, pushing me however, I didn't remove the mark on her.

"It was like those cliche fairy tale stories. With the..."

"Don't you dare say butterflies because I'll kick your butt." She turned her body, approaching the hoop, and when she was about to shoot, I blocked her way, slapping the ball.

"Well. I felt them. She makes me feel what I have never felt." I searched the ball, and when I came back, she was already on me, defending.

"You are lost, Gardner."


As I went to the showers, I found Izzie leaning against the wall, waiting for me. When she saw me, she locked her phone and approached me with a smile.

"Hey, Newton! Tired?"

"For what?" I asked confused, and Izzie approached me, standing on tiptoe to kiss me deeply.

The kiss left me without conscience, and it was different from the ones we had the night before. This one was stronger and charged with energy.

When we separated, she bit her lip with a sweet smile and returned to a straight posture.

"I've waited all day to do it. I'm sorry. I didn't bother you, did I? I mean, do you want to kiss me?" She began to ask, anxiously and I decided that the best thing I could do to dispel her fear was to cut it with a similar kiss.

Play with fire-CazzieWhere stories live. Discover now