Chapter 22

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*Three months later*

I woke up to the sound of an incoming call on my cell phone, carefully trying to move without waking up the body on top of me. Surprised I didn't see it there. I was usually the first to get up and go for a run, only to come back and wake Izzie up with some sweet kisses. However, today she was not here.

Irritated, I took the cell phone and answered my mother's call.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I widened my eyes in surprise. With all the practices and games, apart from the dates with Izzie, I had forgotten the days. "Honey? You sound surprised. Did you forget it was your birthday?"

"Mmm, right? What kind of idiot forgets that?" I answered, trying to sound normal.

"I understand what you're going through, honey. You have a lot on your mind. Calm down. Everything will be fine. I heard that your team is one of the best and one of the candidates to win!" I sighed when I heard her. I'd also heard the same thing. "Nevertheless." She spoke again. "I think you should have your life and enjoy yourself. I especially think that no one should forget her own birthday." I laughed and nodded, though I felt even more stupid since I knew she couldn't see me. "What plans do you have for today? Are you going out with your friends?"

"Oh mmm. I don't know." Actually, I wasn't lying. No one had greeted me for my birthday, not even Izzie. I was beginning to believe that everyone had forgotten about me. "I have practice today, and Minnesota will play the Lakers. I'll be 19 minutes away from Towns."

"Can't you go to the game?" My mother asked, somewhat sad.

"No. I have to work out, and I come back tired, besides I didn't buy the tickets. It's okay, mom!" I added to take away his sadness. "I'll do something fun for sure. Don't worry!"

"It's just that it's your first birthday away from home. And I miss you so much." I smiled.

"I miss you too, mom. I'll be back soon."

We talked a little more before we cut. I got ready to go to class with the first thing I found to wear and left my room. I looked at everyone waiting for someone to say something, but no one was looking at me.

I found Demetri tidying up his backpack in the hall and went over to ask him where Izzie was. He just quickly replied that he was reading on campus and sped away, not even adding anything else.

I walked out of the building, and as Demetri's told me, Izzie was under a tree, her tree, reading. I approached her with a smile, which was reciprocated when she saw me, receiving me with a soft kiss.

I thought she was going to greet me instead, she started telling me about the books she had to read and how she couldn't go to practice with the cheerleaders today because of homework.

Okay. I will make this clear. Nobody greets me. Everyone seems to ignore me, and on top of all that, I won't be able to see my girlfriend dance? What kind of day is this?

We were only able to spend a little time together before our classes started. And for the whole day, I didn't hear from her. I didn't even see Evan or Sharice.


I was alone in the locker room, putting on my training uniform. It seemed very strange to me that no one was here. Had I forgotten that there were no training sessions?

I went out to the field, which was also lonely and I couldn't help but sigh, which then turned into a small cry. No one remembered me or my birthday, and I felt completely alone.

As I was about to leave the court, crestfallen, and go to my room, the door burst open, and all my friends and teammates were there, smiling.

"SURPRISE!" They screamed, and then I felt the embrace of a body I knew very well on my back.

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