Chapter 30

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"Honey, I made you breakfast." Said my mother as she placed a plate on the table next to my bed. I just moaned angrily, at the same time making myself more comfortable on the bed. I heard my mother sigh and walk out of the room.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to go back to sleep, but it was impossible. I got out of bed and looked at the plate, on which were two eggs and a piece of bacon, arranged in such a way that they looked like a smiley face. I shook my head and walked out of the room to the bathroom to take a shower.

When I felt the first drops of cold water, I let my body relax, and tears began to fall softly as I remembered everything that had happened in the last month.

After losing the game and being beaten by my father, I ended my relationship with Izzie. UCLA became like hell after that fucking audio. The students looked at me seriously, and my teammates didn't even look at me.

I couldn't catch a ball after what happened. I didn't want to train. I thought that would change when I got home. However, when I returned, I found out that my mother had thrown my father out after my incident, denouncing him as a danger to the family. On one hand, I felt happy and relaxed, knowing that he would no longer have his presence, continually pushing me. On the other hand, his words and criticism were still on my mind. I felt like garbage. Like a person who ruins everything.

Paige was the only one still by my side. Even the Newton girls tried to get close to me, but I would lock myself in my room or tell them I was busy. Paige was the only stubborn one who knew it was a lie and stayed in my room for as many hours as necessary. We didn't speak to each other, and although I didn't tell her, it relaxed me to know she was still there.

"Casey, do you think Edison needs some fresh air?" It was the first thing I heard when I came out of the bathroom. My brother, Sam, was showing me his turtle, and I crouched down, trying to decide if there was something strange about that animal.

"Yes. It's dying. Do you notice that colour in its head?" My brother frowned and nodded. "It means the turtle will die."

"I've never read anything like that." He answered seriously, however, I knew that in his mind, he was terrified of his turtle.

"Vets don't talk about it to get more clients."

"Casey, leave your brother alone." My mother said, coming out of her room and noticing our conversation.

"Elsa... Can't you see the turtle? It will die if it doesn't get fresh air."

"You will die if you don't come out of your room." I shrugged and stuck my tongue out at Sam before entering my room again. Closing the door, I sighed.

I listened as my mother tried to explain to Sam that his turtle would not die. That made me laugh for the first time in days.

I was lying all day, looking at Instagram. Especially, checking Izzie's profile. She hadn't uploaded any new posts or stories. It was strange to be without her.

"Stalking your girlfriend?" Paige asked, walking into my room. I just looked at her before continuing my gaze on the phone. "Why don't you just talk to her?"

"Why don't you mind your business and leave mine?" I countered, and she sighed.

"Casey...the match is over. I know you lost, but you have to move on."

"Paige... if I wanted a psychologist, I'd pay for one. Look, you won. You won the championship, and what about me? I lost everything. My team, my girlfriend, my record. Do you see the posts about me? EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT THAT LOSS. EVERYONE SAYS I WAS JUST A LUCKY GIRL BECAUSE I WAS PART OF A TALENTED TEAM, NOT BECAUSE I HAD TALENT MYSELF." I screamed and noticed how Paige's cheeks turned red and how she clenched her fists.

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