Chapter 8

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I didn't leave my room for the rest of the weekend. I just went to eat and the bathroom. I couldn't bear everyone's stares at me, scolding me with their eyes. I watched videos of the game, unable to believe how bad we played. How terrible I played.

The worst part was that I felt stupid for how I had treated Izzie. She didn't deserve any of the ways I addressed her.

I had tried to knock on her door, explain what happened, apologize to her, but every time I got there, panic took over my body, and I ended up running to my room.

Now I couldn't help it but force myself to see everyone. As I walked down the hall, everyone's gazes fell on me. Unlike when I arrived, this time they were not only serious but also loaded with hatred. I tried to ignore it as best I could, but I knew they were right. The team had had one of the worst losses on Saturday. I sat in my familiar seat, waiting for Evan, who was the only one trying to support me with consoling messages.

-Hey, Ace! -I heard a voice full of irony speak behind me, and I turned to find a boy looking at me seriously. -What a great game on Saturday! You really proved that you are the best of Newton's prodigies generation. Thanks for coming to UCLA.

I didn't even answer him. I just turned my eyes to the front and heard how he laughed with his friends. So focused was I on the empty board that I didn't feel my friend sitting next to me until he touched my shoulder gently. When I looked at him, he was beaming with a smile, showing me a small cake.

-I know you can't eat here, but I ordered it especially for you.-That made me smile for the first time still remembered that I couldn't eat it.

-Sorry, dude. You should eat it for me. Since I started high school, my father forbade me to eat anything that interferes with my workouts or weight.-He looked at me confused in response and opened his mouth to reply, however, the teacher entered and arranged his things on the table, thus beginning the class.

Professor Brown clarified important points to consider when we analyzed literature, however, I continued with my head in the clouds. I couldn't help it. Every time I heard the word "literature", my mind goes blank. And more if I have to analyze works and give my viewpoints. The books were made to be read, and that's all. There was nothing else.

His class passed slowly, almost eternal. Fortunately, the sound of the bell ended my suffering. I was going to leave, but Brown got in the way. "He won't disapprove me because I lost, right? I approached him, trembling, fearing the worst.

-Miss Taylor has informed me that she has spoken with you to arrange personal lessons, is that true?-My mind automatically travelled to Izzie, forgetting what I was doing in this class.

-Gardner? Casey? Hello? Are you okay? -I heard Brown's voice, waking me up for my thoughts.

-Yes! I'm fine! And we'll have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, sir.

-Good. I just wanted to check that it's not a lie. I have tried for a year to influence Izzie to help other guys, and he always refused. I was surprised when he said he was going to help you. I hope you do well, she's talented and my best student. You can leave.-He smiled sweetly at me, and I was about to start my journey to the door when I felt his voice again.-And Casey... don't be so hard on yourself. The mistakes of the past are tools for the future.

Instead of allowing me to go out first, he left the room, leaving me alone in the classroom, with her words on my head.

-Hey! Are you coming?-Evan asked from the door. Apparently, he had been waiting for me. I went to him, thinking about what Brown had advised me. No, the errors don't work. They only weaken you. I am Casey Gardner. I don't fail, and I never will make Saturday's mistake again.

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