Chapter 7

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5 minutes left-We listened to the commentator announcing.

We were waiting in the locker room, making a circle and arranging the last details on our uniforms. I couldn't take my eyes off the blue shirt with gold lettering that covered my torso. It was completely unique. It wasn't Newton's dark blue, but a much more electrifying one. I was trying to think about the game, Cunane, my expectations, though, and even when I tried to avoid it, about Izzie. I couldn't erase Sharice's comments from my memory. Despite knowing that her personality was dominant, I would never have thought that the shorter girl was like my teammate described. I never paid attention to her nocturnal escapes, even when I live by her side!

-Gardner!- Sharice's scream brought me out of my thoughts.-Are you coming or what?!

After she said that, I turned my face to look everywhere, only to notice that all my classmates have gone. I trotted over to my captain (who was angry) and, together went to the court. However, I had to wait at the door, feeling my heart explode in my chest. I was nervous, but I knew I had to get out. So, slowly I walked in, trying to smile. I listened to people's cheers and comments from the reporters.

-Here it is! The ace! Casey Gardner. The shooting guard from UCLA. Previous Newton student and prodigy of the team. Let's remember the shock she caused when instead of choosing the so-known UCONN, she picked this university.

I approached my teammates, who didn't pay attention to my presence but continued talking to each other. I decided to appreciate the field full of people. Playing at home is always exciting because you can see the whole school supporting the team, instead of feeling the pressure of everyone waiting for you to fail when you play away.

Looking around, I looked at the cheerleaders, and as if we were in sync, Izzie and I mixed glances. My heart beats harder, hurting my chest. She looked at me for one more second and lowered her gaze, lifting it again only to look at her friends. I watched as her blue uniform dyed her body, letting me admire the colour of her skin. I shifted my gaze to her hair, watching the waves roll down her shoulders. I tried to ignore the length of her skirt because I didn't want to look like a pervert, which made me feel immense heat in my body. It was short. Was someone looking at her? I looked around, trying to find if someone was watching her like me, feeling the anger run through my skin. Instead, my sight fell on a tall blonde girl. Elissa Cunane was awesome with her 6-foot-5. She was the tallest on our team and the best defender you could find. She would defend the hoop with blood and sweat. And she would never let a rebound escape from her. I felt my mouth go dry as her serial sight focused on me, and she greeted me with a nod. Before I could answer her, she focused her gaze on something else.

I will not lie by saying that I was not afraid, although no one will ever know. My first match with the best defender? Shit!

-Come on, stupid.-Sharice said, making my concentration focus on her.-Do you know how to shoot, right?

I ignored her and followed my teammates, taking my position on the court. Bessoir was in the middle waiting for the jump ball, and in front of her, Cunane. I positioned myself vigilantly in case the ball headed this way, knowing it wouldn't. My former teammate had never lost a jump ball. I closed my eyes, waiting for the buzzer, and I felt how everything disappeared. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes at the same time the match started. As I had predicted, Cunane was the first to take it. I quickly went to defend the ball, positioning myself in front of Crutchfield, who was a bit surprised to see me, which I took advantage of to steal the ball from her. I ran quickly to the hoop and shot.

-Point for UCLA! Casey Gardner, ladies and gentlemen! The ace is saying welcome to the 21/22 season!

No one came to celebrate with me, although right now, my only purpose was to beat NC State. I saw Boyd grab the ball and pass it to Crutchfield, who this time was more ready and quickly threw it to Cunane, who opened up between the UCLA defence and scored. Unlike me, her teammates did cheer her up. Miller (the small forward of the team) was going to serve. She looked at me for a second, and, for a moment, I thought she would pass it to me, however, Sharice was the beneficiary of her pass, who started the attack with Bessoir. I waited for a few seconds, analyzing the court, hoping that someone threw the ball at me, unfortunately, no one did. Cunane took advantage of a bad pass, stole the ball and quickly throw it at Boyd, who scored.

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