Chapter 4

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-Look, it's Casey Gardner!-She's broken all Newton's records when she was studying there.-I heard that she chose this school because she couldn't bear to be with Bueckers again.My head was telling me not to pay attention to them, but I couldn't concentrate. I tried to walk and ignore them, but it was difficult when all the voices had my name in a sentence.Pretending to be deaf, I arrived at my first class, where I felt how my body was burning before people's gaze when I entered. I took a deep breath and sat in the only place available. Quickly, I opened my notebook and started scribbling, which helped me ignore all the voices.-Is there someone here?-I heard someone ask me. Without looking, I shook my head and noticed how the person sat down.-Amazing drawing!- Are you sure you are in the correct class? This is literature, not art.This time, I did focus my eyes on the intruder, finding a tall boy with golden hair and a friendly smile.-My parents thought it would be correct to know how to write. You know, in case one day I want to compose sports articles.-I thought he would say something related to that, however, he simply nodded with a tiny smile.-Hey. Do you know why people are looking at us?-Asked he, with a whisper. I felt how my jaw opened weakly, not understanding.-Do I have something on my clothes?-It's... for me, I guess. I'm Casey Gardner.-I found a bewildered look on her face, which puzzled me much more.-Newton player? Basketball?-Oh! I am sorry. I don't like sports.-He commented with a smile, and that made me feel relieved.-I hope you have a good season, I guess.He gave me one last smile, and this time I smiled at him too. Then, I heard how the teacher came in and put his things on the table before turning to us.-I'm Evan, by the way.I nodded in response and turned my full attention to the teacher, though I couldn't help but feel relaxed knowing that someone isn't looking at me strangely. Maybe this place is not so bad.***-You're late!-I heard Sharice scolded me as soon as I opened the door. I could only gulp and jog to the place where the group was gathered. I tried to focus my attention, but it was difficult. The place was beautiful. Blue and gold surrounded the court, soon, my eyes turned to the dates of the championships obtained, demonstrating how significant UCLA was in other times.-You think that what we say is not important?-Sharice's voice took me out of my thoughts, and I denied it without being able to say something.-Why don't you tell us, Ace. What is so important?-I couldn't formulate a word.- Nothing?Instead of continuing talking about me, Sharice decided to announce the itinerary for this year, the biggest games and weaknesses as a team and how we could fix it. She also told us that they are looking for a new coach since the previous one decided to quit.We were going to start running until we saw the door open and a group of girls coming. My gaze fell on the girl I had met the first day, who was coming alongside an older woman.-Coach McNiff! -Said Sharice.-What a surprise!They talked for a while while I was seeing the shorter girl again, who was, at this moment, alone. Noticing that no one was paying attention, I approached her.-Hey.-She was going to say something, but this time I didn't let her continue. -I'm sorry. I never had to say what I said. You were right in being angry. I just wanted you to know I'm sorry.-Gardner!-Taylor!We both turned our faces to see who was screaming. I was surprised to see that she was heading towards the coach. I, on the other hand, walked towards Sharice.-Nice to meet you, Miss Gardner.-Mentioned the coach to me.-I was telling your captain that the cheerleaders won't disturb your team.I ignored Sharice's face after listening to "your team" and just nodded, although my full attention was on the shorter girl. "So cheerleader, huh." I thought, which made me smile.-Good luck.- Continue the coach and approached the girls, followed by the shorter girl.-Don't even dream about it!- Sharice said, forcing me to look at her doubtfully.-Izzie's not the kind of person you want by your side, stupid. Now, let's work!-This time, she spoke louder so that everyone could hear her.The team began jogging to warm up. While I was running, I couldn't take my eyes off Izzie, happy to get her name but somewhat puzzled by Sharice's confession."What did she mean in saying that she's not the kind of person I want by my side?"

Hello! How are you, people? Everything's ok? Hope you're doing good.

I want to start saying thank you to all of you! I appreciate that you are wasting your time on this story, haha. Thanks!

If there's something that needs to be changed, I'm all eyes! (Especially grammatical mistakes).

Thanks, again! See you next time. 


Play with fire-CazzieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora