Elixir to Induce Euphoria

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"Remember don't be unpunctual to your classes," Snape urged the 11-year-old girl.

She had her grip on his black cloak which made him look like an overgrown bat.

"Verena," she gazed up at her father with impassive eyes, "Don't get in trouble,"

He straightened the collar of her up button shirt.

"Severus," the voice made him grumble profanities under his breath.

"Lucius," he greeted back with a dull expression.

A smile plastered on his pointy face as his cold gaze fell on Verena.

His tall slim wife stood behind him with her arm around their son's shoulder.

Verena had already met the Malfoys and their arrogant looks.

Just like her father their existence drained plenties of durability to last the day.
Well, the matching goes for everyone else.

"Verena," Narcissa stepped forward and pinched her cheek making her internally sneer, " it's so nice to see you again,"

Verena didn't despite Narcissa she was a sweet woman and made delectable chocolate muffins.

Moreover, she was one of her motherly figures.

The train whistled alarming that it was time to get in.

"Draco," Narcissa turned to her son bussing him all over his face making him scrunch his face, "take good care, write to me every week,"

"Do you have your glasses?" Snape asked Verena.
She nodded in response pulling it out of her pocket.

"Good, behave adequately," he glanced around to see if there were any invasive people.
"It doesn't matter to me whether you'd be in Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Slytherin or Ravenclaw. You'll always be my Elixir to Induce Euphoria,"

She gave a small smile picking up her luggage and strolling towards the train.

She squeezed through the cluster of students to find an unoccupied compartment.
Spotting one she instantly got in and slid the entrance shut behind her.

Sitting down she opened her satchel and began reading a book about Cerberus.

She felt the train motion as the wheels swivelled against the tracks.

The compartment door slid open. Verena did her best to not acknowledged whoever entered but they speculated contrarily.

"Are you going to be in Slytherin?"
She'd recognise that voice anywhere.

Is that the first question you ask whenever you encounter someone?

Her eye roll was hidden from the way her hair shadowed half of her face.

"Snape, are you asleep?"

She placed up meeting his eyes.

"Are you going to be in Slytherin?"

"Theirs a reason the Sorting Hat exists," she responded monotonously.

"Do you think you are going to be in Slytherin?"

She huffed out a breath already irritated.

"Why are you so eager about being a Slytherin?"

He stared at her as if she inquired him the most ludicrous question.

"Well since it's the best house," he answered in a matter of fact tone.

Or maybe because you are scared that your daddy dearest will disown you if you say otherwise. 

The compartment door roughly slid open as two bulky looking boys entered.

"Crabbe, Goyle, where have you two been?"

The heap of candies in their hands clarified the justification effortlessly.

"Harry Potter is on the train with us," Verena's ears perked at their words.

The boy who lived.

"He is?" Draco stood up, "are you sure it wasn't your coarse eyelids or that high amount of sugar playing with your vision,"

They shook their head rapidly.
"We saw him, we saw him,"

Draco peered at the ground with a thoughtful look on his face.

The entrance slid again and Verena reminded herself to lock the compartment doors or strive to appear more threatening in a manner people would resist her on the train.

A girl with frizzy and untamed hair entered.

"Have any of you seen a toad around?"

"No," Draco frowned.

"Alright, if you do notice it please let me know, Neville had lost his toad,"

The ride to Hogwarts proceeded with Draco sauntering about his visit to Paris with his parents in the holidays.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now