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The day was sultry and scorching. It was full of sweat and perspiration.

Verena yearned for an icy bath over and over again. 

The Quidditch players were soaring in the air, the competitiveness visible between the two houses.

"He's barely doing anything," Draco complained to Crabbe and Goyle.

Who didn't seem to comprehend what he was saying since they were busy feasting on candies they stole from a few Hufflepuffis.

"I'm sweating so bad, do you have-" before Daphne could finish her sentence Verena handed her cold water bottle.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver. Like literally," she began chugging the water.

Harry Potter and Terrence Higgs rushed after the golden snitch.

Verena had missed half of what was happening due to Crabbe and Goyle standing in front of her.

She shoved the bulky boy not because she wanted to see the game but because she saw Granger rush down the bleachers.

Why would she want to miss her friend's first match?

"What's wrong with you Snape?!"
Verena accidentally stepped on Draco's feet as she tried to get a better view of where Granger was headed.

She couldn't spot her, the flames erupted from the teacher's bench.

From her father's cloak.

Her hands clenched and she gritted her teeth.

"What happened?" Daphne asks, stepping on Draco's other foot to get a better view making him scream.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now