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June rolled by and Verena heard about Potter being unconscious at the hospital.

He had missed the Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor match.

Draco found joy in seeing the Gryffindors getting steamrolled by Ravenclaws.

Oliver was quite bitter about the loss.

It seemed that their Dark Arts teacher who wore a turban had Voldemort hidden underneath it.

The thought that Verena was close to Voldemort brought shudders down her spine.

Dumbledore stood up grabbing everyone's attention,

"The house cup this year goes to Slytherin, in first place holding 472 points,"

The Slytherin erupted in cheers. Noticing his father applauds Verena began doing the same.

"Yes, yes, well done Slytherin. However...."

Verena didn't have to hear the rest.

Conclusively, Granger earned 50 points for being intelligent, Weasely earned 50 points for playing chess, Harry Potter earned 60 points for being Harry Potter, Longbottom earned 10 points for being "courageous".

While in reality the professor just favoured the Gryffindors and despised the Slytherins.

Maybe this was the reason that people like Voldemort exists.

The Slytherins were fuming on their ride back home on the train.

" Hey at least we won the Quidditch Cup," Daphne attempted to cheer Draco, Blaise, Theodore, Pansy and Verena.

"Quidditch cup or not, it's obvious that old hag favours the Gryffindors," Draco seethed, "We worked our arses off, they practically killed a teacher, brought a dragon in-"

"Enough Malfoy," Verena cut him off.

Her head was throbbing at his bantering.

He glared at her, "And you," he pointed his finger criticising at her, "you are no better, you've been sticking up for that scarhead ever since you got here, you're a kiss ass. A shame to the Slytherins and Snape!"

Blaise and Nott looked up, their angry expression contorting.

"Malfoy!" Daphne yelled.

Verena placed her book in her satchel and walked out of the compartment without a word.

We'll see who's a shame.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon