Childish Arses.

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The membrane covering the atmosphere had an aura of radiance as the light twinkled through it and reached the grass covering the Earth, carving it a bit scorching.

The sun uncovering its way from horizon to the summit of sky punctured its luminous sunlight to the first year's.

Which made their faces plastered with an eerie glow, squinting eyes and glittered demeanour.

Madam Hooch entered the field, her blue robes billowing behind her, her hawk-like eyes glaring over the students.

"Good afternoon class"

"Good afternoon madam Hooch"

"Welcome to your first flying lesson,"

"Flying is not unlike walking. It's just much more difficult, and far more dangerous."

"Well, what are you all waiting for? Everyone step to the left side of your broom,"

"Come on now hurry up!" She ushered.

"Stick your right hand over the boom, and say 'Up!'"

Incoherent shouts of 'Up!' erupted.


"Up!" Verena commanded with a bit more force and the broom flew into her grip.

"With feel,"

"Now once got a hold of your broom, I want you to mount it and grip it right,"

Madam Hooch walked up to Verena wrapped her fingers properly around the stick.

"You don't want to be sliding off the other end,"

"When I blow my whistle I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard,"

"Keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, and lean forward slightly, and touch back down,"

"On my whistle, three, two, "

With the sharp sound of the whistleblowing, Neville began to hover in the air.

"Mr Longbottom"

The first year's flared in murmurs.

"Mr... Mr Longbottom," Madam Hooch stuttered.

Neville began to hover even higher, the fear visible on his face.

He swirled high in the air,

"Mr Longbottom, get back down this instant!"

He spun and whooshed, it looked fun and thrilling to Verena but embarrassing at the same time.

His broom was thwacking against the walls of the castle. His screams were blurry.

He surged towards the crowd, Madam Hooch stood in front of them,

"Mr Longb--"

They parted as Neville flew right through. He glid over the castle and let go of his broom.

Luckily the knife from a statue held Nevile in place.

But not for long.

The students began to crowd around, but Verena, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Daphne decided it was best to stay a bit behind.

His robe ripped as he fell and in a midway, he was caught by a sharp object and then dropped to the ground.

"Everyone out of the way!" Madam Hooch yelled rushing to aid Neville.

"Is he alright?"

Madan Hooch crouched beside him and lifted his arm making him groan and wince in pain.

"Oh dear, it's a broken wrist,"

Spotting something glistening Draco picked it up.

"None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing!"

She assisted Neville to stand up and walked their way forward.

"Leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch.'"

As she was out of sight Draco got in the middle of the crowd snickering.

"Did you see his face?"

"Maybe if that fat lump has given this a squeeze," he showed a crystal-like ball, "he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse,"

It was a Remembrall.

Unsurprisingly everyone except a few Gryffindors, who remained furious while Verena and Blaise remained monotonous.

"Give it here Malfoy!" Harry stepped out of the crowd.

Draco turned to face him, "No! I think I'll place it somewhere Longbottom to find, "

Knowing he was going to do something Verena halted him by grabbing his arm and hissed in his ear,

"Enough Malfoy, just drop the ball before you get yourself in big trouble,"

"Let me handle this my way, Snape,"

He threw the ball and caught it in his hand and mounted his broom and began to propel in the air.

"How about the roof?"

He rose higher and yelled over the wind, " What's the matter Potter, a bit beyond your reach?"

As Harry began to mount his broom Hermoine said, "Harry, no way, you heard what Madan Hooch said, besides you don't even know how to fly,"

Against her words and proving they were false Harry hurled into the air.

"What. An. Idiot."

"Give it here Malfoy, or I'll knock you off your broom,"

Verena was too drained to see this.
The two of their fights were worse than the ones girls had.

Childish arses.

They hurled and swivelled in the air, at last Draco threw it.

Bracing himself Harry rushed to it.

Yes, he caught the ball and came back down safely.

But he also did get sighted by Professor McGonagall.

Everyone applauded for Harry making Draco sneer, but it contorted into a smirk as he saw Professor McGonagall rush towards them.

"Harry Potter!" The cheering came to a halt, "follow me,"


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