Poor Dracy

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Draco sat on the leather cushioned couch a letter in his hand, his minions gulping down scoops of trifles.

Verena noted it wasn't from his mother since she was the only one who wrote to him.

The one's Narcissa sent were neater.

The one Draco held was wrinkled and what seemed to be cranberry sauce was smeared at the corner.

A smirk curled onto his face as he began reading the letter.

"Who do you think it's from?" Daphne whispered to Verena.

She just shrugged in response.

The book that was beside him didn't belong to him.

It seemed to be utilized and crippled. She did recollect walking past him as he went into the hospital wing.


Dinner was unusually less infuriating for Verena.

Draco wasn't seated beside Nott who was in front of her.

His minions were here munching on chocolate pudding.

Verena kicked Daphne's leg from under the table. She turned and nodded at her.

Verena averted her gaze at Draco's empty seat.

"I've been thinking about it too,"

"Where's Draco?" Parkison asked, worry lacing her tone.

"He's in detention with Potter and his friends," Blaise answered without glancing up.

"What happened?"

"He was caught outside his dorm past curfew,"

"I told him it wasn't worth it," Nott joined in.

Blaise glanced at their confused faces at Nott's answer.

"He was going to bust Potter and his friends, he found out that Half giant man had a dragon, something like that,"

"What's he doing for detention?" Daphne poked her steak with her fork.

"Malfoy said something about wolves and the forbidden forest, I swear he was about to piss his pants,"

Nott began to laugh at the memory.

"Forbidden forest? Poor Dracy,"

Verena and Daphne cringed at Parkison's nickname.

"Bet he deserved it," Verena muttered aloud before she could stop herself.

Silence wavered among them.

"I'm going to agree with Snape on this," Blaise mused, "If he listened to us he wouldn't be in this situation to began with,"

"True," Nott tossed a candy in Crabbe's mouth and threw his fist in the air in triumph, "Ever since he was a kid he had things his way, he must be pissed off,"

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now