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"I heard you wore the dress I sent you," Daphne said giddily, nudging Verena.

She just hummed skimming through the pages of the book in her hand.

"Hey! Did you guys hear the giant is gonna be teaching us this year?" Nott exclaimed glancing out the compartment door waiting for Blaise with his candies.

"That airheaded oaf! Teaching us! There goes all hope of me having another decent year at Hogwarts without a dunce assed teacher favouring Potter,"

"They would favour you too if you wouldn't have got rid of the silencing charm," The statement Verena muttered made Daphne and Nott snicker.

Malfoy glared at her, she didn't even falter.

He saw mischief.

Her eyes were like a loaded gun, the shrewd spark in her eyes that lured many fools.

But he saw anything but that.

Dire and lethal.

She acts so coy and calm, if people saw what he sees they would tremble in fear and cower underneath her gaze.

Daphne shivered to put her coat back on.

"It's getting really cold,"

He couldn't tell if the frigidness in the room was due to her or...

The spinning wheels of the train ceased.

"What's that?" Nott gestured towards a silhouette of a dark wispy figure.

The lights began to flicker.

Verena felt Daphne grip her hand, "What's going on?"

The compartment door rattled open and through it, they could see a gliding, wraithlike Dark creature.

Scraping its frail slender claws against the glass emitting a screeching sound.

Daphne stumbled back falling back to her seat.

The Dementor glided forward, halting inches from Verena's face.

"Verena," Daphne and Nott called out, Draco trembling behind him, worry lacing their tone.

The Dementor reimbursed them no interest.

Its head stooped languidly to the side, the whiff of the creature swelled colder and it inhaled deeply and nattily, reeking the soul in front of it.

Verena felt as if her soul was no longer connected to her body anymore.

The brightness was naked, she felt absorb from her head.

Attempting to take a step back, it felt as if the sole of her shoes were attached to the ground, her hands now feeble let go of the book, dropping to the floor.

She was no longer conscious of her surroundings.

The crippling feeling in her chest gnawing the edges of her ribs grating her lungs and disintegrating the membrane of her frigidly thumping heart making it difficult to breathe.

Her posture stiffened as its pale hand hovered above her face.

Raw screams engulfed her, echoing in her head, almost shattering her parietal's covering.

Someone held her wrist pulling her back as the compartment door harshly opened a luminous glow flashing the compartment.

Verena carefully sat back down bringing her knees to chest and giving a subtle nod to the man not glancing up.

"Are you alright?" The man crouched beside Verena, rummaging through his pocket, "here eat this it'll make you feel better,"

He gave a bar of chocolate and a gentle smile accentuating his premature lines.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz