Family Disappointment.

18 4 0

The players glided on the wind,  dodging the occasional bludger or their opponents coming their way.

Especially Harry Potter.

The one bludger sped after him for what felt like hours without any guidance.

"Practicing ballet Potter?!" Malfoy yelled over the gushing wind, blind to the fluttering snitch right beside his face.

Potter had spotted the snitch and soared towards it.

Verena slurped her banana almond drink her father made for her.

He told her it was the best source of potassium and it would boost her vitamin D.

She felt less overwrought and pessimistic.

Verena leaned forward to get a better view, the two seekers dove down through the bleachers aiming to catch the snitch.

Verena knew Malfoy was establishing additional motivation and strength to impress his father who sat at the guest's table.

From what she heard he might be been a fair player himself.

Verena was sure Malfoy wasn't going to win.

She was right, what she didn't expect was for him to rush down right at the ground and scrape himself across it, injuring his crotch area painfully.

Verena saw Lucius sneer and rush down the bleachers and walk away.

A disappointment.

A shame.

As Verena was involved in watching her house members comfort and aid Draco, which he wasn't accepting heartily, Professor had seized out Potter's hand's bones.

Isn't he a Ravenclaw?

Maybe Ravenclaws weren't smart all the time. They might have a deep and keen interest in the arts.

But Lockhart didn't seem to have any of those.

Gulping down the last sip of her drink Verena, Daphne, Blaise and Nott rushed back into the castle to study in their new spot at the library

Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy decided to stay back and wait for Draco.

Lucius had left him in the dirt, too embarrassed to hold the burden of calling him his shame of a son.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now