Michael Corner.

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Time reached December.

The students were asked to attend Lockhart's Duelling Club.

This was the last place Verena wanted to be.

This man was not reliable and seemed like he didn't know what he was doing or teaching.

That is why Professor Snape had decided to attend the club himself to make sure Lockhart does not harm any of the students with irresponsible motions of his wand and whatever was in that thick skull of his.

Unsurprisingly Lockhart had decided to embarrass himself by asking for a demonstrational duel with him.

After Snape handily disarms Lockhart, the students are paired off the practice disarming each other.

Snape pairs Harry and Draco.

Somehow Hermione and Millicent Bulstrode end up in a physical, wandless fight.

Ron’s broken wand elicited some impact that causes Seamus Finnigan to blanch.

Neville and Justin Finch-Fletchley have such a fierce “duel” that they both wind up lying on the floor and striving to catch their breath.

Verena was paired with Michael Corner.

Even from his posture, it was evident he had very poor self-confidence.

His spells were inefficient.

He wasn't a worthy opponent for her.

She glanced at Malfoy as he cast the Disarming Spell, but Harry retaliates with a Tickling Charm.

Lockhart starts asking the boys to stop.

Despite his cries, Draco casts another spell before Snape breaks up the fight,


Then Snape “volunteers” Harry and Draco when Lockhart agrees to educate the students on how to block spells.

While Lockhart ineptly attempts to instruct Harry how to block, Snape whispers something to Malfoy that makes him smile.

Then Draco summons an enormous black snake, which looks about to strike Justin Finch-Fletchley after Lockhart makes it angry in a shoddy attempt at getting rid of it.

On impulse, Harry tells the snake to steps forward and began to hiss at it.

Verena frowned in confusion as the snake listened so is Potter surprised when it does, but relieved and expects Justin to feel similarly.

Rather, Justin gets upset and leaves.

Snape perishes the snake.

Harry understood that everyone is disgusted and terrified.

Dumbfound, Harry is ushered out of the Great Hall by Ron.

Does he speak Parseltongue?

When she turned she saw a trembling Michael Corner.

"The snake's gone Shilpit," Nott smacked him on the shoulder as he walked past him with Blaise and a fuming Draco.

Verena strode up to him with a monotonous expression, " Work on your posture and mindset along with your spells,"

He gave a small nod and offered a handshake, " Michael Corner,"

Verena blankly stared at it, "Verena Snape,"

The last name made his breath hitch in his throat and his face ashen.

"S-snape, as in-"

"Maybe, hope to see you around,"

She did not have time for his useless blabbering at the moment as she strode to the exit and Daphne joined her.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now