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The Six Slytherins sat at their corner of the library.

Stacks of books surrounding them, papers splayed around with notes written in margins.

They were determined to study hard and gain points for Slytherin and earn them their well-deserved victory of the year.

"Why are you reading about snakes Verena?" Daphne peeks at the pages referring to the gory looking pictures of the cold-blooded reptiles.

"I was just curious,"

"It's because of Potter isn't it?" Malfoy spat.

Ignoring his comment Verena continued to read.

"You gonna learn parseltongue too? Talk to him so the rest of them won't understand?"

Verena's grip tightened around her book.

"The book's from the restricted section," Blaise commented.

"Which professor did you ask for a permission slip? Lockhart? That dippy would do anything in exchange for praise," Nott laughed along with Daphne.

He did so just to ease the tension in the room between Draco and Verena.

Nott always thought the two would make an indomitable pair.

Their power, cleverness, grit, and determination to gain a victory.

But it seemed to be the opposite.

"Bet she got it from her father, would do almost anything for Potter, wouldn't you Snape? Even lie to the man who raised you,"

That's it.

Verena abruptly stood up her wand yanked at him.

"Have I struck a nerve?" He looked satisfied with the result of how his words affected her.

"Shame, what a shame you are to him? Your mother must be proud she didn't have to raise you, it-"

"Silencio!" She cast the spell before he says another word, it won't be long enough till he does.

"You're the one to talk to Malfoy, did you see your father walk away when fell off your broom on your first Quidditch match, a disappointment,"

She was no better than him.

Verena picked up her satchel, "Once your headaches are feeling better from his banter and you still want more of it you can go ask professor Flitwick, I'll be leaving now," she picked up her satchel and left.

"Merlin's beard," Nott gasped stroking his temple, "she was right, the headache is already gone, we should leave him like that,"

Malfoy glared at him smacking him on the head with a rolled parchment paper.

"Even with his mouth shut, he can still- Ouch! Malfoy!!" Nott cried out.

"We should get him to professor Flitwick and tell him that this was Verena's doing," Pansy suggested.

"I agree, except for the part telling Flitwick about this," Blaise shut his book placing it in his bag.

Daphne was getting rather worried. This morning they all heard the news of Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick being sent to the hospital.

She had asked Verena about this, she wouldn't say anything and just frown.

Daphne had noticed she was glancing at the Gryffindor's table a lot more than usual, not at The Golden Trio, but the young Weasely.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now