Valentine's Day Shenanigans.

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"Here's your tea,"

Snape placed the cup of tea, before he could notify her she absent-mindedly sipped the scalding tea, her mind lost in the book that was savouring every bit of her interest and scrutiny.

Her tongue sizzled, abruptly placing the cup back and fanning her tongue.

Snape handed her water, remaining calm since this was a very usual occurrence, "what are you reading about?"

Gulping the water she answered, "Snakes And Their Nature,"

"Professor McGonagall said you're getting quite well at Transfiguration," Verena nodded, "and..contrary to that Professor Lockhart said you don't seem to have a keen interest in the class."

Verena glanced at her father, both of them knew he didn't have to continue since Lockhart's opinion didn't matter to either of them.

"He says he doesn't seem to believe a top student would drop to the bottom of the class so rapidly in Dark Arts,"

The two Snapes sipped their tea in tranquil silence.

Severus had decided to have a pleasant cup of tea and chat with his daughter since the two of them viewed the world from a very similar perspective.

He also had a couple of other reasons.

She wasn't shutting him out or dodging his questions like a few months ago.

She was growing.

She was evolving.

She was developing.

It was all against his control.

He glanced at her opened the satchel. Two envelopes were propping out. One was a shade of blossom pink the other a velvet shade with doodles of hearts.

Ah, Valentine's Day.

That was the other reason.
He did not like the idea of these disrespectful boys sending her letters.

Couldn't they have at least tried?

He knew that Verena didn't seem to show any interest in anyone unless they were a beneficial asset to her.

This morning he had woken up to the sound of his House students screaming from the girl's section.

He had sent McGongal to check on them since it would've been disgusting and rude for him as a male to enter the women's area of the castle.

A few minutes passed and McGongall returned only to find out a couple of house-elves had entered their dorms with poems and letters declaring their love from the boys.

The scream was because Verena dropped a stack of books on one elf who was singing in high pitched notes and rummaging through her bags.


Snape looked up at her, "yes?"

"Are there pipes in the castle?"

Snape thought for a moment before answering, "yes, why do you ask?"

"Just curious,"

There's always a reason for curiosity.

Verena returned to the common room after a tiring day.

Entering her dorm she heard Daphne squealing, making her snap her head at her with a murderous glare.

"Sorry," she mumbled, fiddling with the teddy bear in her hand.

"Look what I got," she showed off the bear at Verena.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now