Another Bitter Year.

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Everybody was in their pyjamas, and the celebrations lasted all night.

Verena had been to several Hogwarts feasts, especially one quite like this.

Verena didn’t know whether the worst bit was Harry Potter and Ron’s four hundred points securing Gryffindor the House Cup for the second year running.

Slytherin had lost yet another year.

"It's not that much of a deal Malfoy," Daphne attempted to assure the boy, who was muttering curses under his breath at Potter.

"You know if you're going to pour poison in his pumpkin juice, I'm with ya"

Nott munched on his pancakes, patting Verena's back, who gave a cold glance, whoing a frigid feeling in his and scoot away with his pancakes.

The rest of the Slytherins weren't doing any better.

They were prepared to detonate a destructive spell at Potter.

"Four-eyed scar heard, getting special treatment just because of a scar,"

The four sat in the compartment.
Verena fiddled with the bandage on her cheek.

From what she was informed, her father had found her abandoned in front of the girl's bathroom.

Without a single grain of time being wasted she was rushed to Madam Pomfrey.

"What did you do for him this year, Snape?" Malfoy spat.

Defedently Daphne abruptly sat up, "shut it Malfoy!"

His arguments were completely illogical.

Rolling his eyes Malfoy stood up, "I can't even sit and breath in the same place as you,"

Straightening his collar he walked out.

"What got his wand in a knot?" Callista sat back down contemplating her nails.

Nott placed his on Blaise's shoulder, glanced at the girls reassuringly, "his father got removed from the Board Of Governers Of Hogwarts, we'll check up on him, you two ladies stay,"

Beaming Nott strode out with a groaning Blaise.

"I was really worried about you," Daphne began fidgeting with her nimble fingers.

"There was no need to," Verena gazed out the window her arm laying on the still, her chin resting on the palm of her hand, a thick book - begging to be opened - on her lap.

"No, I should've gone to the library with you instead of waiting at the common room-"

"Would mind explaining to me how that would've helped?" Her stoic expression rendered a feeling to Daphne to just stay silent.

But she opted to go against that feeling.

"I'm sorry, m-"

"This had nothing to do with you yet your apologising,"

"I feel like I should be,"

"You shouldn't, I wouldn't forgive to such an invalid reason,"

Biting her lip she looked down.
"What did it do to you?"

"Nothing, just left me in front of the girl's bathroom,"

"Write to me, alright?"

Verena gave a subtle nod.

"Would you mind if I gave you a visit?"


She didn't want anyone coming over at the precious times she got to spend with her father.

Even when another new year at Hogwarts didn't initiate, his already locked away in his office, finishing any gradings or tasks he had been procrastinating on.

"I'll see you next year,"

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now