Loneliness, thoughts and other endless tortures.

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"I'll be in the Quidditch team for sure this year," Malfoy spoke without any doubt, his head high in fulfilment

"How are you so sure?" Blaise asked, trying to balance the stack of books on Crabbe's head with the help of Nott.

"Oh, you'll see," He smirked.

"Verena," Daphne softly poked her as she was busy scrawling on a thrashed book.

A worried look plastered on her face, she's been like this ever since she was at the train station.

She didn't even bid her father goodbye.

"Ooh is that your diary?" Pansy aimed to peek at the pages but Verena pulled them to her chest.

"Hey lemme see, you never tell us about your life," Nott stood up to jokingly grab the book, though Verena didn't seem to take it as one.

She jerked out her wand, "Just know I know curses that will provoke excruciating pain through your veins and make you feel like your dying endlessly,"

He backed away with his hand up in surrender, tripping and the books on Crabbe's tumbled to the floor.

Verena picked up her birdcage and sachet and rushed out.

"What's up with her?" Blaise questions.

Daphne shrugged, "I don't know, I've written to her ever since the end of our first year,"

"Did she write back?" Blaise began to help Nott pick up the books.

"Yes, but she stopped after she said she was going to Diagon Alley,"

"Did any of you meet her there?"

"I saw her," Pansy answered trying to hover one of the books with her wand.

"Who was she wit-"

"Woah, woah, woah, don't you guys think we're hustling things a bit, like come on, this Verena. Snape's daughter, isn't it normal for her to be like that?" Nott attempted to reason.

Daphne abruptly stood up, "Verena isn't like that, she would never threaten anyone with magic, and she never spoke like that,"

"I agree with Greengrass, I've been getting chills ever since she sat next to me on the train," Pansy commented.

"Do you guys think it's the book?" Blaise asked.

"Probably, it looks used. I've never seen her with that book,"

"You've been quiet Malfoy, whatcha thinking?" Nott inquired.

He sneered at him and shoved his hand off his shoulder.

"I'm not thinking about anything," he lied.

Thoughts were spiralling around his head like hurricanes, he wanted to silence them, ignore them.

But he couldn't.

That book looked exceedingly familiar.

He knew his father had placed the book in her bag.

He didn't know whether he should do something or not.

He wasn't aware of how detrimental the book was.

Although he understood that it might end up killing her.

Verena sat in an empty compartment, clutching the book as she began scrambling.

Agonising pain and anguish felt like rain trickling down all over her as she wrote on the book, but she also felt flowers blossom through the flesh of her skin.

A sense of comfort.

'They don't understand you either do they?'

He knew everything.

Tom knew everything.

He listened to everything she said, every thought.

He felt so close to someone who she felt so far away from.

Throughout summer she had isolated herself from her father since the trip from her Diagon Alley. Writing in the diary day and night.

She'd throw tantrums every time her father tried to take a peek, tell her to come out.

It was something she had never done.

Snape was fooled thinking she was growing up.

Giving rise to thoughts about that she no longer needed her father beside her every second.

She's fine on her own. Alone.

But she was far from alone.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now