Shitty People...

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She never got to meet her mother. It tore Severus to know that she'll never listen to her silvery voice.

Honestly, she may look like him but he could hear her in Verena's voice.

She was right in her.

She would tell her to try not to blend in, try to stick out.

Verena patiently waited for Daphne, Blaise, Nott and Malfoy, to study with her at the library.

Thoughts meandering through her head.

Skimming through the last few chapters of her book, hit her as if a mountain of bricks tumbled on her.

Her eyes shone from behind the lenses of her glasses.


Of course, it all made sense to her.

"Do you still hear it, Harry?" Weasely asked as Verena walked past the table they were seated at the library.

"Yes, it was saying something like, Let me rip you... Let me tear you... Let me kill you,"

"Where do you hear them from?"

"Through the walls, I think,"

They needed to learn how to keep their voices down.

It was a Basilisk.

Of course, it was!

The pipes aided the transportation of it.

Messily inscribing a few sentences and gathering her items on the table, she sprinted out.

Her heart hammering in her chest, the adrenaline felt like rocket fuel coursing through her veins.

Little did she know the basilisk was right around the corner, eyes blazing in the dark.

Grumbling under his breath, Malfoy smoothened his hair sauntering down the hall to the library.

Pansy had decided to play with his hair while he dozed off in the common room, flipping through his History assignment.

"Shitty filthy people, always getting in my way, wait till my father- Oof!"

His sentence was cut off as he tripped over what seemed to be a book.

Glancing around he noticed there was an open satchel with books and parchment with sprawled notes spilling out of it, along with an all too familiar pair of glasses.

He hastily stood up.

Verena might not have been an organised person in his eyes, but she was very domineering with her belongings.

Him being the inquisitive person he was, he went through the parchments.

They were all tricks and tips for potions.

His eyebrows furrowed as he attempted to read a sentence on the back of a parchment.

"Bu- no, basllu- no, no, basill- no, basi, basili, Basilisk!"


He snapped his head around.

There was nothing, there was no one.

From what felt like aeons, he had figured out what was written and ran off to Professor Snape.

"Professor! Professor! Professor!" He banged on his office door.

He abruptly opened the door not bothering to hide the resentment on his face at the shivering boy.

"What is it, Mr Malfoy?" He said through gritted.

"Basilisk!! H-hall! Pipes!" He babbled.

Confused, he frowned at him, "Stop wasting my time Mr-"

"The Basilisk took Verena!!"

As Snape was condensing that sentence, Malfoy's eyes rolled back, a wary sigh leaving his mouth before slumping to the floor.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now