Apologies; Admission Of Guilt.

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The vanity was repaired and their rooms were neat as if nothing had happened.

Verena decided to come back to her dorms while everyone else was at lunch and wait in the common room.

The framed opening is made in a chimney to hold an open fire.

The subtle smell of acrid lingered in the room.

The atrocious flame crackled almost maniacally.

The fireplace was the ballad of the phoenix in a certain gold flame.

She didn't know much of what happened with the diary.

One thing she was confident about was that she was addicted and obsessed.

She was now left wondering who's hands was the book in at the current moment and who was Tom Riddle.

"You're back," Malfoy came returned from lunch early.

His minions weren't along with him.

"Were you scared that someone might've found you're dairy?" He taunted, slumping on the couch in front of her.

She looked away, doing her best to not lunge at him and start a fight.

"I heard you were vomiting out blood and said something about a Tom,"

Wow, it sounded even more outrageous when it came out from that dolt's mouth.

"Who is he?"

Her eye twitched in annoyance.

"You don't see me going around asking how much gel you pour on that head of yours, if you'd like to know it makes you look like an egg and when you're angry you look like you're boiling and ready to crack.!" She rambled and halted herself.

"What did you say?!"

"I don't like repeating myself,"

She stood up to go back in her dorms,

"Oh Snape," her footsteps paused, "Since you missed a few classes you tumbled below the bar in Dark Arts and Transfiguration. Just ought to let you know that I'm topping every class,"

She clenched her hands, "Not for long,"

Daphne stood in front of the door to their dorms, frozen, gaping at Verena.

She had her hands clasped behind her.

"I apologize for my unreasonable behaviour, if-" before she could finish her sentence, she was engulfed in a tight hug.

"You don't need to apologize for that, you have to apologize for making me suffer class alone,"

Verena awkwardly patted Daphne's shoulder, "I'm sorry for making you suffer in class alone,"

"Our Dark Arts teacher is Professor Lockhart," she squealed.

"He's idiotic and a dunce,"

Daphne gasped lightly slapping Verena.

"How dare you?! The man is a dreamboat, now I finally feel like going to class,"

"Yes to ogle over him,"


but her tone and her constant glance at the poster of him near her bed said otherwise.

"What did he teach?"

"Cornish pixies, though it um didn't go as planned, he gave us a test and I passed,"


"What was it about?"

Daphne bit her lip and glanced away,
"It was about. Him,"

"Knew it,"

"What, you think I don't have the potential to pass an actual test,"

"No, you have the potential, you just don't have the determination,"

Pansy and Millicent entered, they flinched as if preparing themselves to run away.

Despite how much she detested doing this she began,

"I apologize for my reckless behaviour today, I assure you that I have full control of myself,"

"Yeah, you better be," Pansy walked past her, "I won't be able to sleep tonight without having to wake up every minute to see if you're going to kill me or not,"

Millicent just grumbled in response, Verena had never heard the girl say anything coherent.

Something like Crabbe and Goyle.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now