Four-Eyed Scarhead.

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The Gryffindors had gained victory in the match. Harry Potter caught the snitch in his mouth.

The Slytherins were furious and the loss did not deal well with Higgs.

Verena had woken up to the irksome noise of Pansy snoring. It sounded as if a pig had a congested nose.

She couldn't turn on the lights since Pansy and Millicent would make an enormous fuss about it.

Daphne wouldn't mind. Verena had brought her to the library the other night and she didn't seem to mind just sitting there.

"Psst! Psst! Verena!" She abruptly looked around to see Daphne's silhouette, "are you awake?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"The Christmas gifts are here," she squealed, gesturing at the pile of presents at the foot of their beds.

She rummaged through them to see who sent her what.

She received a designer silk robe and an 'Etiquette For Ladies' book from Narcissa.

A rigger, round and flat paintbrushes from her father and a 'Potions Elixers And Brews' book along with a letter.

You're doing so well, I'm very proud of you, so is your mother. Continue with your painting skills.

Let me know your sentiments about the book.

Do not try any of these potions, unless under my supervision.

Enjoy the rest of your year my Elixer To Induce Euphoria.

"What did you get?" Daphne asked popping a honey-coloured toffee in her mouth.

"See for yourself," she folded the letter and concealed it from Daphne's view.


Before even reaching the Great Hall, Verena and Daphne heard the clattering of excitement among the students and teachers.

Mountains of flavorful meals and Dumbledore's bonnet.

Roast turkeys, peaks of roast and simmered potatoes, platters of chunky chipolatas, tureens of buttered peas, silver tankers of thick, vibrant gravy and cranberry sauce.

"This is delicious," Daphne swallowed a scoop of mashed potato.

"You are aware they are made by the House-elves,"

"So are the food back home," Daphne paused to swallow before continuing, "I heard Potter and his friends talk about your dad the other day,"

Verena's grip tightened around the butter knife.

"What did they say?"

"They said something about him threatening Professor Quirrell and him trying to kill Potter while he was on his broom. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me?"

Perhaps Malfoy was right.

"They seem to gossip a lot," Verena commented, glaring at the Weasely and Potter.

"Oh, and they talked about something called a Philosophers Stone,"

"Oi Snape!" Malfoy called, "you got a little drool here," he pointed at the corner of his lips.

Nott, Malfoy and his goons burst into laughter.

"Drooling over Four-eyed Scarhead,"

Daphne chortled at the name making Verena kick her leg from under the table.

Crabbe spurt out his cranberry sauce from his nose and mouth and began choking on it.

Daphne laughed along with Malfoy and his goons.

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