Moaning Myrtle.

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The day dawned crisp and bright.

The early rays of sunshine lit up her dorm.

The dawn chorus of harmonious birdsong drifted in.

Daphne glanced around the room upon her arousal.

Dissimilar to everyone, Verena's bed was deserted making her worry.

The common room smelled somewhat different than other days to Verena.

It was a mixture of knotgrass and lacewing flies.

She began to examine the empty common room due to the particular smell.

She flipped the cushions searched under the couches and the tables.


She found nothing.

"Looking for something Snape?" The oh so familiar obnoxious voice met her ears.

Ignoring him she grabbed her bag and books ready to head out of the common room.

"Are you scared of me?" He asked mockingly, Verena halted her footsteps and spun to face him.

"Me? Scared of you? Bless your delusional heart,"

Her bitter tedious tone and expression almost froze him, fogged his brain.

He languidly strode towards her,
"Then why are you running away?"

Her manner remained impassive, "I don't have time for people like you,"

She left the common room leaving him with a few students that began to walk in.

On the way to class an hour earlier like always.

Crabbe and Goyle stumbled past her. She ignored it first but halted her steps when she thought about it.

Crabbe and Goyle woke up before her.

She wakes up at 4 am but those airheads wake up when breakfast starts.

Looking back she frowned.

Her footsteps reverberated through the empty girl's bathroom.

Lockhart's class was a waste of time. Verena's head throbbed.

Even Granger was licking the floor that man walked.

Though she wasn't in class today. Potter and Weasely were whispering to each other, something about Granger being in the hospital.

Are all men like that?

Entering one of the crappy stalls, something caught her eyes which made her shudder in disgust.


Those weren't human hair.

Cat hair.

Verena sneered examining the hair the gears in her head clicking.

Polyjuice potion!

The water in the toilet seat gurgled.

A translucent wispy lifelike form of a squat girl with a glum expression hidden behind thin hair and bulky glasses.

Moaning Myrtle.

"Oh! You're here to throw books at me aren't you?"

Her high pitched voice pierced through Verena's ears, it was almost worse than Pansy's.

Verena didn't reply, instead, she opted to raise a question.

"Has anyone been concocting potions here?"

Myrtle frowned and then let out a laugh, "yes, it was Harry Potter and his two friends, one turned half of herself into a cat,"

So that was why she was in the hospital.

"What did the other two shift themselves into?"

"Two chunky looking Slytherin boys,"

It all commenced making sense.

"Do you know anyone of the name Tom Riddle?"

Myrtle's smiled fell, "Tom....."

With dazy eyes, she proceeds, "Tom Riddle....he was... He was so charming....a prince... Yes! A prince! So sweet for a Slytherin... "

Bringing her daydreams to a pause, Verena asked, "How did you die?"

The question seemed to have offended her.

Ii wouldn't expect you to know!" She cried, "Who would anyone ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping, Moaning Myrtle!"

Guessing that she wasn't going to answer the question Verena opened the stall to leave.

"I don't remember much of it," she began, "when I was crying in the bathroom, I  heard a boy's voice and saw a pair of large yellow eyes,"

She glanced around before continuing, "That's all I remember big yellow eyes,"

Big yellow eyes.

Harry Potter speaking parseltongue.

Chamber of secrets.

Tom Riddle's diary.

Petrified student.

Myrtle curiously stared at Verena's scrunched thinking face.

Two fingers nipping her chin, thoughts mumbling out of her mouth.

She fastened her tie and left the stall.

"Will you visit me again?" Myrtle asked, Verena could hear the pleading in her voice.

Her cold monotonous expression seemed to bring quivers over her body.

Befriending her seemed to have a ton of benefits.

Her years in Hogwarts.

She seemed to almost know everything that occurs in the castle.

Though she doesn't seem to be able to keep her mouth sealed.

"As long as you don't speak to anyone about what I tell you,"

Eagerly she nodded, "yes, yes, yes, I vow that I won't tell anyone anything,"

Before leaving the bathroom Verena bid goodbye.

SILENCE {Draco Malfoy X OC}Where stories live. Discover now