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"The brat is coming!?" Christian wildly shouted as he poured himself with a beer on top of his head, and dive on the pool.

I smirked on what he did and open the beer can, that it made a sound pop and sparkle all the liquor inside. Christian keeps on mumbling that brat, since I can remember. I don't know if he's celebrating or drowning in grief, and just clothing himself with a wild act.

"Hoy! Brat, ka ng brat! Ilang beses mo ng sinabi wala namang dumadating! Tanidana mamais!"

Ernesto as he throw the empty can of beer with Christian, and bite on his barbecue. I crossed my legs and empty my beer can, as I watched them fight.

I was drowned on my thoughts that I didn't realize that they were both looking at me like an idiot. I fixed my hair and blow a loud sigh.

"What the fuck are you two looking at?" crumpling the can harshly and throw it at them. The can landed on Ernesto's head, and created a loud bang.

"Aww, tangina! Sakit! Banatan kita diyan eh!" Ernesto, gave me a dirty finger and a fist, like he's going to punch me.

Christian laughed and looked at me. "So, what's your thought?'

"Thought about what?" with my puzzled face.

"My cousin, the brat?" waiting for my answer.

I touched my chin and squeeze it, thinking...

"Let's see," with my serious face.

I heard a loud thud steps on the stairs, despite of the loud noise coming on my friends laugh. A girl wearing a white maong shorts, partnered with black fucking sando, obviously showing her fucking cleavage! How fucking delectable to cage in my arms and throw her in the bed. Stop your wild thoughts! Your fuck! I clenched my jaw.

I growled when I saw her fix her sando in fornt of us. Such a tease! Fuck this girl, for making me feel this way. I inhaled deeply and looked at my watch instead. It's just the first day, this girl driving me insane. I should leave.

But no, damn I can't. My lips was in thin line as I watched her hug his cousin. Isn't she aware that her skin's showing?!

I hurriedly went to their place and caughted her, when she's about to fall. Damn! I'm whipped. She smells sweet.

"Careful," I simply said, hiding my nervous voice.

It was morning when she barged in, with her usual face and daring look. And of course How can I forget those licious lips and breast. I smirked.

"Calorie deficit daw pre!" Ernesto teased and laughed.

"Let her be, siya naman ang magugutom."

I din't mind them after that, and continued eating. I should avoid this girl. She's drowning me into the deepest ocean filled with sin that's choking me to death. Leaving no space to breath.

I should. But, she keeps coming back.

I heard a loud voice screaming. Shouting my name with her shaky voice. I looked at her with confusion. "Hey! It's okay, what happened?"

She keep mumbling, about the big Ducks. Big ducks? We both went at the backyard and pointed me the ducks. I laughed hard. Oh god! It's been so long since I laughed this hard and free.

Not knowing I touched her cheek.

"It's a geese baby,"

Since that day, I declare that this girl in front of me, will definitely bring changes in my life.

Along the way ( Province #1 )Where stories live. Discover now